Waiting since 23rd April for a refund for test and go booking at a Holiday in Bkk. They told me they instigated it then and would show up on the next card cycle. Nothing on latest statement. Emailing the hotel results in a generic answer ending with them being busy with so many refunds. Is it time to claim a payback from the credit card or wait? Seems to be a long time for a simple refund.
done upcountry when the agent cannot find an IO willing to take a bribe at the customers real immigration office, that's the necessity leading to complications when you visit your actual office.
It was an extension illegally obtained from an immigration office in another province. You have to get it where you live. Once you go with an agent you are stuck with them, or have to pay to clean up the corrupt mess
Cancelled with <removed> Inn in bkk who informed me two and a half weeks ago they had put through my refund, nothing appeared so far. Credit card company say it should take 3-7 working days. Hotel has not responded to email about this. Would it be right to start a claim for a charge back or give it more time?
More than one hotel employee at hotels in Sukhumvit told me years ago some of them bring cookers to cook in the rooms, stink the place out and damage the carpets. Hopefully things have improved!