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    Thailand/Not Thailand

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  1. What about the fat mingers back in Oz Malky? That is where you are from, isn't it?
  2. I first visited Thailand in 1999. Returned twice per year governed by work holiday entitlement. In 2003 I was diagnosed with a chronic illness so decided to take a career break. I planned to come to Thailand for a year but ended up staying two and a half years. I decided that I wanted to grow old in Thailand so made the decision to return to the UK. I was 36 then. Luckily got sorted with work within 1 month and picked up my career where I left off. At the time, exchange rate was favourable and interest rates were good so I thought I might have to work for 10 years and I would have enough. Exchange rate went south as did the interest rates. I worked very hard, saved even harder so at the age of 49 I was able to stop working. Had a couple of pieces of luck along the way. I'm 56 now. I still split my time between Thailand and UK as I have an elderly mother but when I am in a position to, I will make the move permanent. Best decision I ever made.
  3. I was up at 7am. Coffee then shower. Hour and half walk. Stopped at Makro for a few bits. Another coffee now then pop to 7/11 for a few more bits. Another shower. Will be out later for a birthday party then watch the Spurs match at 11.45pm. Will be a late night so will take it easy tomorrow with a lazy day. I like to be up early most days and get my walking done before it gets too hot.
  4. You didn't 'win' anything. If you constantly post inane drivel you automatically go to the top of that pointless leaderboard. You poor, deluded soul.
  5. Size of a ripped out fireplace once he had finished.
  6. My uncle was a really bad ventriloquist. He used to sit me on his knee, stick two fingers up my ar$e and tell me not to say anything....
  7. Oh, the irony. Did you manage to get your 10 baht discount meal deal at KFC today?
  8. He'll have to tie a lolly stick to it if he manages to get a lob on during the honeymoon.
  9. I have very, very little interest in American politics but seems to me Musk is running the show and Trump is his puppet.
  10. Sad and pathetic. You should be thoroughly embarrassed you man child.
  11. Too subtle for most on here. Went right over their heads.
  12. Of course! If he's going to lie, might aswell make it a big one.
  13. Absolutely incredible isn't it? What sort of life is that?
  14. Maybe a good looking female..... She would probably decline my polite offer though after clapping eyes on me.
  15. Invaluable advice Dr. Bignok.
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