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  1. Myself I haven't noticed any changes to my voice but I usually don't pay too much attention to that. In evolutionary terms we eat like that (mostly fats) for millennia. Maybe our voice is supposed to be like that (speculating) or maybe it affect some people differently (most likely). I know personally all the minor health issues I used to have (like spots on the skin) disappeared. Also back pain, inflammation in general. Of course I was skeptical at first since I was so brainwashed about fats being bad for you. But when I did my first blood work after months on the diet... all my skepticism went away, along with my blood pressure dropping from 140/90 at 90kg to 110/65 at 78 kg. Then there are the changes to my jaw and teeth (Maybe from all the chewing) but my jawline changed and my teeth straighten out. Like my jaw widen. But I'm not hardcore (like the Aussie Doctor) eating only meat. I include salads, avocadoes, and other low carb things. In my mind I should eat like 20,000 years ago Omnivore... not just pure carnivore.
  2. When you eat carbohydrates, your body converts them into glucose. Whatever glucose isn’t immediately used for energy can be stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver (then fat is not used). For every gram of glycogen stored, your body holds on to about 3 to 4 grams of water. So your body physically retains more water. Your blood pressure goes up too. On the flip side, when you go low carb and high protein, you produce more nitrogenous waste (urea), which also requires some water to excrete and thus make you thirstier. I mean... you drastically reduced carbs, so your glycogen stores plummeted, and your body now doesn’t hold on to as much sodium or water (it doesn't need too). That’s why people on low-carb diets often experience an initial whoosh of weight loss (water weight) and can become dehydrated if they don’t consciously keep up fluids, especially electrolytes. Eventually with good quality meat your body will reach equilibrium. Your body is working of Ketones now... not sugar. It needs fatty foods. I find my water intake is lower than usual. I just don't feel thirsty. Any excess water I drink will just be flush out of the system (along with good minerals). There is such thing as drinking too much water. I think our water needs are based on SAD diet... If you feels thirsty drink water. Use the color of your urine as an indicator (Light Yellow)
  3. If you eat lots of carbs, that's the answer.
  4. The absolute easiest way for me to lose weight is to cut all carbs out. Once I go over 90kg I cut out all carbs and within 1 month and back at 80kg... (I'm 1.85M tall) While I'm eating nothing but beef and eggs with some lettuce I feel amazing. Never hungry, any inflammation goes away and the blood pressure goes down to 110/65... even the six pack shows up... But it's very hard to keep a diet like that here in Thailand. In the US I had it for years... feeling incredible. But this country LOVES sugar. You can find a 7-11 in every corner (One of the main culprits or their declining health).
  5. Not soi dogs (German Shepperd, Golden Retriever) but they eat dog dried food and chicken from Big C. They both quite large, probably 50kg each.
  6. I cringed at the topic "as a former NASA Astrometrist" but if you look up... in the Northern Hemisphere, we have Polaris (the North Star) relatively stationary in the sky. Just use your phone with one of those sky apps. Now, get on a plane and go to Australia... Polaris drops below the horizon and isn’t visible at all. Meanwhile, now that you are in Australia, you can see the Southern Cross (Crux). No amount of weird “perspective” or “light bending” on a supposedly flat plane can explain why completely different stars are visible as you change hemispheres. For the average Joe, Earth should be considered a perfect sphere: Equatorial Diameter: About 12,756 km Polar Diameter (North to South Pole): About 12,714 km That’s a difference of roughly 42 km. It may not sound like a lot on a planetary scale, but it’s enough to show up in measurements and in Earth’s rotation characteristics. But that's only for scientist. For most people 42 km in nothing compared to almost 13,000. The more you know...
  7. I don't think this should be classified by a race skin color... this is just the mentality of "winners" not "whiteness"
  8. I agree, if you walk confidently like you own the place but respecting their boundaries and they leave you alone. Show any sign of fear or "shadiness" they can perceive that. I used to walk around no problem until my German Shepperd (Big boy maybe 55-60 Kg) got out to walk with me... then every dog would try to challenge him and he would put them in their place (He's so much bigger and stronger I'm not worried about him). Is impossible to walk with him because all the other dogs come at him aggressively and although he stays with me if you get to close he will bite. But now the Soi dogs associate me with him, so they bark or challenge me, guilty by association. There is a huge soi dog problem in Thailand. No owners, pack mentality, and the locals don't care. Introduce dangerous breeds to the pack and accidents are bound to happen.
  9. The Sun moving closer huh?! You know the Earth doesn't have the mass to do such a thing... heck even if you put everything in the Solar System (Jupiter, Saturn and every other planet, asteroid and comet) the Sun outweighs them by 99.86%. So yes every planet, every moon, every asteroid and comet that's in the solar system only account for 0.14% of its mass. Jupiter itself is 0.1% with the rest 0.04%... The more you know...
  10. The furthest back we've been able to look at Earth's weather and climate is currently about 2.7 million years. How? Using ice cores.
  11. This area in Petchabun you can sort of see that... In April the area in Red would stay around 35-36°C at around 800M elevation... yet in the valley below near sea level it would be at 42°C
  12. That is true, altitude helps alleviates the problem of elevated temperatures. However Thailand doesn't possess enough elevated areas (Let say above 1,500 Meters) to replace Latitude.
  13. I was an Astrometrist (Like an Astronomer that builds celestial maps) at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona... then moved in 2012 to NASA John C Stennis Space Center (also traveled to Baltimore, Space Telescope Science Institute off and on) until 2022... then I came here to Thailand. If you have any Space questions or Science in general maybe I can help (Is not like that skill is useful here in Thailand haha).
  14. Yes, Thailand as well. Pretty much almost all western countries have aging populations. And in a few decades this will become very evident...
  15. In my opinion it's not... you can already see how hot it gets... and it will be much worse. You want to be higher in Latitude to reduce the Sun angle of incident (The angle sun rays hit the surface). I think somewhere around 40° North or South would do. Much milder winter and not so brutal summers.
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