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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. We are talking about Thai tourist visas here but I feel you. It sucks.
  2. Dear TAT: 1)People should be able to extend their tourist visa as many times as they want. 2) Extension should be 60 days. 3) Fee should be the same as for a visa. 4) Everything should be done online. 5) Proof of financial health should be mandatory. 6) Proof of basic health insurance should be mandatory. 7) An option should allow people to buy an health insurance package for the duration of their stay if need be. As for visas, stop asking people to pay for them in advance. And stop asking for a f*cking return ticket. ????????
  3. Don't forget to sterilize Anutin, na krap. Thank you ????
  4. I recommend reading Vaclav Smil to fully understand the stupidity of those net zero pledges within a such a tiny time frame.
  5. 1700THB for (Gun + 30 rounds) seems to be pretty common. Anything below that would be considered cheap in my book. Thx ????
  6. Where do I find the best places to shoot on the cheap? Any area in particular? A region? A city? Thanks
  7. Give it a month or so and things will go back to normal. Summer has always be a busy time.
  8. Tax wealthy Thais not the foreigners. Otherwise there's gonna be a revolution in Thailand. Sure as night follows day.
  9. That Thai journalist shows the Kingdom won't be fooled by the new US strategy. That's a good thing for Thai people. Great opportunities ahead for them if they play one giant against the other as much as possible.
  10. Shame on me. I didn't know a girl could get pregnant at 10. I'm shocked ????
  11. This is garbage. Gas prices went from 9,65$ to 6,30$. Something else is at play here.
  12. Quality post that one is ????
  13. I Fak U (as well as the entire marketing team)
  14. Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink would be proud !
  15. Something is brewing in Thailand. When it's gonna hit the fan, it won't be pretty.
  16. Funny to see the US touring Asia to defend rules they kept violating on a regular basis since the 90's. Blinken is such an arrogant clown. Hopefully America will get rid of that lousy Biden administration soon. Politics is such a pile of ????...
  17. Good move. Thanks God, Thailand also has people like Mr Yuthasak. Not only delusional losers like Mr Anutin. ????????
  18. Problem isn't volume but potency. An analogy would be poison. Inject yourself with a drop of Novichok and you're dead. Yet that drop wouldn't represent 1% of your total volume. That being said. That entire BCG plan seems extremely boring to me. I remember back in the days, me and a friend of mine got bored in Phuket. So we paid a bar girl to take us to her village and stay with her family. She agreed and so we went. My f*cking god ! After a couple of days, we both got influenza. Sick, in the middle of nowhere, showering with buckets, sharting in a hole dung in some sort of tiny cabin. Man! During the night being attacked by mosquitos and Jurassic Park lizards. Locals didn't speak english. I was like:
  19. Just like every other country with a corrupted system, high inequalities and an aging population. Look at the rest of the world.
  20. They should set up a very easy dual pricing. Everyone gets the normal price. And when that little Anutin weasel shows his racist face.... PAM ! Price x10 !!! ???? Easy. You add a zero to his bill.
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