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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. Honestly, no idea. I don't know his work well enough to recommend any of his books. Sorry ????
  2. Yeah it's pretty alright. Quality seems good as well. I'm not complaining. We'll see how it goes after a couple of washes though. You never know ????
  3. My bad. I do apologize ????
  4. Living the way society tells you to. Work hard, be docile, forget who you are, get married, have children and shut it... Charles Bukowski talked wonderfully about this.
  5. My stuff was sent today by the seller. The delivery partner for that order is Flash Express. Got a tracking number as well as the integrated Lazada tracking system. Status right now is "Departed from First Mile Facility". Who knows? I might get my order tomorrow with a bit of luck. That would be 48h after placing the order. Pretty fast honestly if that's the case ????
  6. I ordered for the first time on Lazada yesterday. Worked like a charm. Talked with the Thai seller. Asked him for a favor. He said yes. Absolutely lovely and helpful. You must do something wrong OP... I dunno. Check your parameters maybe ? Or shall I say... Check your parama ? ????????
  7. Went to EXPO the other day. Found a couple of t-shirts for 150THB a piece. Size: XL - Exactly the same as in the West (well Europe at least I don't know about the USA to be honest) Also bought a couple of t-shirts for 90THB on Lazada. Will receive my order tomorrow or the day after. Size: XL I'll let you know if I got screwed odering too small ????
  8. Never noticed that one. Gotta try it !
  9. "Top" chocolate bars ????
  10. Ok, thanks ???? Just checked my account. Apparently the order hasn't been sent yet. Status is "To ship". Next will be "To Receive". I guess this is when I'll be able to see the tracking info. Hopefully tomorrow !
  11. How can I figure that out? Is it indicated on my Lazada account somewhere ? Thx
  12. I don't know, man. That's the equivalent of 75 euros/dollars. It must be an extremely harsh way of life...
  13. So you're paying directly online and not cash on delivery, right?
  14. Hi guys ???? Made my first order on Lazada today. When will I get a clear delivery date ? For now my order says between November Xth and November Yth... Thx
  15. Interesting article published a few days ago on this very topic by The Nation Thailand. To sum up: - Average wage in urban areas : 12018 THB - Average wage in rural areas : 8130 THB - 4.4 million Thais live on less than 2762 THB (6.3% of the population) Source : The Nation Thailand https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/40021531 @metisdead Is it ok like this ?
  16. It depends on the contract. If the contract says "you leave before x months, you lose your deposit" then this is how it goes. Period.
  17. Never heard of that. People don't pay, they lose their deposit and have to leave. Never heard of a landlord taking legal action to get anything else in such a configuration.
  18. Have you ever heard of a farang getting arrested because he left its condo without notice leaving his deposit behind ? I haven't. I don't think any landlord - even in the West - would bother with that kind of stunt. They would keep the deposit and move on. Yeah I thought so. Man, just take the hit and move on. If you really don't like the place, no point staying there for 6 months to save a month worth of cash. Just accept the loss, learn from it and find yourself a decent place to stay. Good luck ????
  19. This is how you should play your cards. 1) Tell them the truth but don't tell them you wanna leave asap. Just tell them you are considering leaving at some point but you don't really know when and you would like to know how this would play out regarding your deposit. 2) If they tell you that you would lose your deposit, accept it and move on. If they ask for anything else, wait until night falls, pack your bags and sneak out never to return. You'd lose your deposit (would have been the case anyway) but you wouldn't lose anything else. PS: If you have a rental agreement, surely it must be written somewhere what happens if you break the deal, right? PS2: If you run, make sure to find another place on the other side of the city and change your Thai phone number ????
  20. That might very well be the case. I had an ED visa years ago. At the time you could just buy your visa and never go to class.
  21. No. I know how to buy a t-shirt ???? I want to find a place that is not a mall or a shop for tourists where prices are inflated for no reason other than f you up the a. I want Lazada prices but somewhere I can actually try before buying you know. Thanks ???? Looks like the kind of place I had in mind. Will check that one out for sure.
  22. It's pretty straight forward honestly. 1) Find a school in the city you wanna live in. 2) Sign up for a Thai class or whatever it is you wanna learn. 3) Complete the required forms and provide the required documents. (the school will help you do all this so don't worry) 4) Wait for the school to process your visa application. 5) Once the application has been processed, the school will call you back and you will go on an organized visa run to get your visa in one of the neighboring countries. (you can't get a visa in Thailand; they are exclusively delivered by embassies) 6) On your way back to Thailand, you will cross the border and your ED visa will be validated. You're now officially a student. 7) Go to class... or not ????
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