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g man

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  1. exactly what congress needs to determine from the Biden's during confessional oversight investigations planned for a GOP controlled house. Maybe Hunter Biden can avoid a suboeana to testify if he is under indictment for tax and firearm felonies.
  2. Grassley wrote. "That same document notes that as of July 2017 the money still had not been transferred and James Biden considered calling CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals.” Hmmm, I do believe Joe Biden is a member of the Biden family. Maybe he (James Biden) can confirm this statement about Biden family support under oath to congress, just to clarify and misunderstanding and Joe's role in all this. Wow, could be big problems for the Bidens. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/hunter-biden-criminal-fbi-investigation-whistleblower-ukraine-china
  3. The noose around the neck of Hunter Biden and the Biden family is tightening. This is not going to end well for the Bidens. They are in it up to their eyeballs and it's only a matter of time now before the whistle-blowers seal their fate. FBI has 'voluminous evidence' of Hunter Biden's 'potential criminal conduct': Whistleblowers https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/hunter-biden-criminal-fbi-investigation-whistleblower-ukraine-china
  4. I suspect Trump would be in jail if he committed acts so egregious as you want people to believe. there's nothing much to do about anything. and based on recent polling the majority don't much care about Jan-6, right. what's the issue here, Jack Trump up for records or fix America?
  5. exactly, it's like, well like a pre-fabricated doc and records tangle with NARA. Hardly enough to state its anything otherwise based on the DOJ leaks and evidence presented to date. it's ridiculous on face to castigate Trump as some espionage oriented traitor.... there is ZERO evidence to support that and if there was it would all be over for Trump. BUT he's weathered 6 years of persecution and is smiling like a daisy... I would be honored to have him on my team any day!
  6. postpone what exactly? he is not a member of congress last I checked. He don't make the rules. the GOP oversight members will do what's required to eliminate the partisan playing field and bring the evidence, the real factual details into the foray. Trump has no exposure it seems, and that's because he's not in any way in criminal jeopardy and the evidence supports that.
  7. oh, defiantly not a derivative of the Jan-6 equation then. The records dispute, espionage! That's real, imagined, a stretch based on what evidence so far reported or leaked? Trump's many things, espionage is pushing the gamet.
  8. by whom and for what exactly? Where is the judicial initiative in all this?
  9. you said patriot act, the PRA is not the same.
  10. can you provide some examples of patriot act violations committed by Trump and the evidence to support it.
  11. so this ex DOJ has hypothesized that Trump is using an insanity defence to some undisclosed hypothetical indictment but has no idea what the crime is... Trump has not been accused of any Jan 6 crimes so I don't exactly follow the logic or lack thereof in what katyal's trying to convey here, other than to suggest he thinks Trump is insane?
  12. Actually no, you are wrong. It was a demonstration that devolved into a riot.
  13. It appears that plans for the committee’s subpoena of Trump was leaked to CNN an hour before the resolution was even adopted to gin up media excitement for the nearly three-hour-long hearing. https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1580624783389380608?s=20&t=xa_3Ghqpg7S9jFijN5XefQ
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