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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. 555 ah, Grasshopper, she wants to set the hook ...
  2. Approaching retirement, I was faced with the reality that economically, staying in the USA would be a challenge if I lasted anytime and did not want to burn through the savings. So, looked at lower cost countries ... Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, Philippines, Thailand. As a result of my background, living in another culture would not be an issue (although the Spanish would have been easier than the Thai). 2009, 2010 I made four monthlong trips to Thailand and I was hooked. Mexico became, "Plan B". After 13 years retired here, happy camper being able to live a sustainable, comfortable working middle class life (if Trump and his Project 2025 ilk don't screw things up for me as I am not backed up financially to the tune of a million+ usd.
  3. Absolutely, my reality is much easier on me than being in my home "developed" country.
  4. As an individual, I decide. As a citizen of a nation, it is very apparent my decision is in opposition to Trump and his ilk (yes, and so has little, if any affect).
  5. Almost hit the "laugh" meme but ... that would not be totally honest. While I have room to agree, in part, I also believe there are causes I would support. "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
  6. I am not aware of how exactly Trump's illegal announced tariffs would affect Thailand. For those who do not know US law, the President is only authorized to deal with tariffs under a "national emergency" (otherwise it is the responsibility of Congress). Yes, Trump announced a "national emergency" so he could do this ... bit of an issue ... there is no "national emergency". So, the US stock market is reacting and Trump has retreated ... sorry, I mean announced a delay in implementation. For those tempted to think the stock market has nothing to do with them? A good portion of retirement saving accounts of the working middle class are invested in the US stock market. A further irony, for you consideration, ... Trump denouncing unfair trade with Mexico and Canada. The current trade deal was made by none other than? Right Trump in his first term announced as great by Trump at the time!
  7. Oops, did not see your post before posting much the same thought ...
  8. Could be a "conflict of interest" here. Is she angling to have her nude modeling photos wiped from the internet? Asking for a friend ...
  9. Ah, yes, Mr. Chamberlain, we can peace in our time ...
  10. True, I think, as a result of historic and English meaning ignorance here in Thailand. Once upon a time, a significant other's Daughter here put on a T-shirt printed with "F**k Me". Really, says I that is what you want to say/ask? She changed the shirt immediately.
  11. In Germany? Begs the question if there are limits on "free speech"? In the USA a great question as to limits on all "Rights" applied under the "Bill of Rights". The historic answer appears that, all "Rights" have limitations. The defining of those "Rights" is defined by the SCOTUS and varies over time.
  12. Always find Thai law outlook interesting. Seems consistent to what I am experiencing in a current civil matter (probate). If a complaint is not filed ... no need for legal action to be taken. Consistent with sabai, sabai. In the western countries, after we broke with the Germanic personal affront requiring personal compensation (i.e., loss of a warrior by being murdered) or a blood retribution ... personal combat (god will decide the guilty), we turned to a crime being done against the broader society. Thus, charges are brought in the name of society (in US, public prosecutor). So, applied to this case, the law of the citizens of the Kingdom of Thailand have been affronted and charges are brought in their name, not reliant on the victim filing charges.
  13. I am thinking the bombing was in response to an earlier treatment in deporting. Thus the USA and Japan have issued current warnings to their citizens in Thailand of additional reaction violence.
  14. Well, as an American I am certainly here as an economic refugee and as a result of current administration actions, consider myself as a political refugee, as well.
  15. Only question for me is, as on annual extension of stay if I am subject, and if so seeing the insurance coverage?
  16. Did not talk about it and it was considered scandalous but it was present and known to most with knowledge.
  17. I acknowledge your opinion.
  18. POLITICS Judge denies AP's request for restored access to presidential events By Jacob Rosen Updated on: February 24, 2025 / 9:02 PM EST / CBS News
  19. Agree, name change was stupid. No legalities involved. Trump unilaterally decided he wanted to change the name of the internationally recognized body of water. I can only speculate done to appeal to his "base'. In the end ... means nothing. The issue of banning any press because they will not conform is a different matter.
  20. Yes, much to the dismay of the MAGA types. That is why, along with the press, educators are removed as soon as possible from influencing the citizens ... damn, liberal ideas (like the ones the USA was founded upon ... in part).
  21. True, we find those resistant to the lessons we are trying to impart. Past success is no promise of future returns ... And I do recognize that, like all professions, the quality of teachers varies widely.
  22. Saddened by this political move. For all the human faults of those in the past, some leaders stood out in the history of the nation, including my 6th Cousin, 2x removed, Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill.
  23. Right over the head of some. The legal point here is not access per se, it is a pointed retribution for not bending to Trump unilaterally renaming an internationally, long recognized body of water and demanding all of us follow his dictate. My geography study will remain ... Gulf of Mexico. Trump again over reached ... he will soon be gone and the name will remain the Gulf of Mexico. His action here with the name unimportant. If, however he can ban the press for not conforming, a long term precedent.
  24. No, it is not. Had you checked ... I taught middle school, high school and undergraduate survey courses in American and European History retiring as Professor Emeritus. So, I'm thinking "educator" covers the bases more accurately.
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