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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Agreed ... "Katie, bar the door".
  2. MAGA!!! Have at it ... you hold the House, Senate, White House and SCOTUS. Results and responsibility for those results are all in your hands ...
  3. And that is the way documented history works? Biden did state that the incoming Trump team and the current Biden spoke with one voice on the agreement. Wait ... you mean Trump's team agreed with what had been negotiated? Think I'll wait to see if 1). it takes place and 2). the historical direction after time passes and the actual records are open-end before stating it was either already negotiated or what effect the election of Trump had on negotiations.
  4. Agree one of the things male farangs looking for a permanent (as is there is such around the globe) is to be honest about financial arrangements. I basically stated what I bring to Thailand/own in Thailand will go to my Thai Wife. The retirement funds in the USA, earned while raising my two US Sons will go to them. I transfer $2200 usd each month ... that is what is available to spend or save for Thai/SE Asia travel (supplemented a small bit on occasion).
  5. I think the posting is a positive, especially for those contemplating retirement in Thailand or newly arrived. Before I came due to my background I had read some 3 dozen books on Thai History, sociology, culture ... including novels set in Thailand which reflected Thai culture. So, I was one of the older, retired, divorced Americans stepping into a different culture with a different language (both linguistically and culturally). After 4 separate, monthlong visits, traveling around (casing the place) ... I made the move. Fat boy in the candy store upon arrival and I certainly enjoyed the single, bar scene. The Thai girls with whom I spent any time all treated me as a long term boyfriend and I had only positive experiences. Now at 13 years into Thai retirement and married to a Thai girl, I remain happy with my choice (yes, there are the irritations with immigration ... I am all for, after 10 years of trouble free, full-time residence being granted Permanent Residence status). I remain recommending consideration of western males retiring here ... with some preparation and personal refection on their own character/personalities.
  6. As we are witnessing with the unqualified nominee foe Secretary of defense?
  7. MAGA!!! I don't know why there is worry. The press will have every freedom accorded the press in the PRC.
  8. Yes, in mob 13 years here in five different locations, if the electric goes off, it is usually restored with the hour. Only one time did I see a hotel overnight.
  9. I certainly am supportive of a continuous process of reviewing all laws/regulations after at time to see if the original need for the law/regulation is still present. to see if the law/regulation has addressed the original need. And to decide if the law/regulation needs adjustments (those pesky unintended consequences) or if the need no longer exists. All of that done with thought not blind sweeping emotion. In the case of DEI? Citation of the studies determining that it is no longer needed?
  10. After being in Thailand for a few months, I had wondered if the anti-porn, sex toy laws/regulations were not to protect P2P.
  11. "Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge. https://www.open-bks.com/tp.gif"Plenty of prisons," said the gentleman, laying down the pen again. https://www.open-bks.com/tp.gif"And the Union workhouses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?" https://www.open-bks.com/tp.gif"They are. Still," returned the gentleman, "I wish I could say they were not." https://www.open-bks.com/tp.gif"The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?" said Scrooge.
  12. I await the arrival of the Japanese toilet seat with ability to better control pressure, aim, even temperature on some. Available here but not widely found in the malls, as yet. Problem will be some folks spending inordinate amounts of time in the stalls!
  13. Yes, my immediate thought. and yes, sometimes (far too rare), a good thing.
  14. Already opened, as a result of the relatively recent SCOTUS ruling of broad immunity acting as President ...
  15. Thanks! My laugh response usually is laughing at someone's comment. It is refreshing to be able to laugh enjoying the humor!!
  16. I like Trudeau's observation of what it is like living next door to the USA. The actual quote: "Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt. Pierre Trudeau
  17. Reminds me of the correct answer as to how many continents there are ... American student (as if most would even have a clue) or ask a European student ... 6 or 7?
  18. The Donald wants to rename it after the Italian, Amerigo Vespucci?
  19. It was the Wise switching to use "Plaid" that resulted in my Fidelity Account not allowing transfers to Wise. So, I have switched to a wire transfer for my 65K+ transfer (monthly income method). Wise gave a better exchange rate but charged a higher fee. Fidelity does not charge for my international wire transfer. Bangkok Bank gives a lower exchange rate and charges 200 baht. In my case, cost came out at about $17.00 either way so I am fine using the wire transfer.
  20. Damn those of us who are students of and educators of history. Your opinion will not be the documented history. one of these things is not like the other ...
  21. "And everyone knows" ... assume makes an ass out of u and me ... Thanks for your personal opinion but I'll stick with the findings of the citizen Grand Jury that there was enough evidence to warrant a trial. And the finding of Guilt by the separate citizen Trial Jury. Thus is the documented history for all time.
  22. I have done this but ... it was an elephant state at the Golden Triangle Wat.
  23. Congratulations, my Sons will probably never forgive me for selling my small holding of Apple Stock when they fired Steve Jobs. Should have bought back in when he returned we all could have been retired comfortably. As it is each of the two of them will inherit a nest egg which will help them but not allow for early retirement (thus far below UDA inheritance taxes).
  24. Sad to have to live in such a country. Fortunately, I was forced economically to retire to a lower cost safer country in retirement ...
  25. Just finished, "Teak Lord" and now reading, "Thailand's Secret War ..."
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