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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Ah, no. Not a factual statement.
  2. Now, you know that accusation applies to Biden during Covid. Trump ... no, it's different. Why? Well, because it is us doing it. Not going to happen so I am more concerned with working middle class jobs being summerly cut ... hmm, should I mention some of that salary savings will be needed to pay the unemployment resulting?
  3. Evidently not the muskoteers if reports are accurate.
  4. Retired to Thailand from USA in 2011. Monthly sustainable budget is $2400 ($1604 of that from SS). I have continued transferring $2200 each month ($200 left at US bank to cover any US credit card use here). So, family of three, Thai Wife and Stepdaughter in uni. We seem to have no trouble spending most of the monthly income, although some remains to build up for domestic travel. Living a comfortable working middle class retirement that I cannot afford in the USA. Happy camper.
  5. Good to know Normandy invasion did not do that ...
  6. "... kept millions of dead people on the Social Security database for decades"? No factual evidence of this being true has been presented. We agree, there is a need for continuous review of all laws/regulations to see if the original cause for those laws/regulations are still valid, if the current law/regulation is addressing the original need effectively and if not does it need "tweaking" or new legislation/regulation. As to "floppy disks"? Buy updated equipment ... oops, we spend too much money already!? A reasoned, systematic review ... not the current declaring of mass firings, shutting downindependent agencies.
  7. DIY blades seemed to pull. Don't know if there are thicker blades, not as sharp ... I was "woke" to the difference.
  8. See my reply to this. Of course, I was just one of the educators from 1970-2011. I understand my relative unimportance in the passage of time. I assure you my coverage of WW II was not as simplistic as the post you to which you refer.
  9. Gee, cute idea, but a little thought required by most folks. Conducting elections during active warfare, how many Ukrainians now outside the country/ And you think a national "election" is possible ? Let alone capable of a valid democratic result?
  10. The contribution of 20 million dead Russians defending their sovereign territory against invasion by Germany under the right wing Nazi Party is well recognized. "USSR saved Europe in WW II" ... as much an over reach as claiming the USA was "the" savior entirely by itself. The lesson learned leans heavily on the reality that it took collective action to beat back the very real threat (as had happened in the past).
  11. This comes as no surprise for the thousands of folk around the globe on six continents who have touched my life during my 78 years. For those who I have not interacted with ... I am a native born American with a documented paper and DNA trails back to the 1600s in southern New Jersey. My field of study is history as a broad generalist (retired as Professor Emeritus, akin to a medical general practitioner rather than a specialist). I state to you that with every fiber of my present being and of my inherited DNA from those documented forbears who fought to bring the USA into fruition, that I stand opposed to what the current "leaders" in my country are doing. My heartfelt apology to global friends who, while recognizing our failures as a country, still hold hope that we Americans survive the current crisis and will continue to reach for our proported ideals. Only time will tell the outcome but this American is estranged from his native land. Ukraine, Canada, Greenland, Panama and any others, foreign and domestic threatened, I stand in support of you against Trump and his Project 2025 ilk. I now count myself as a political exile from my homeland.
  12. Intelligent in the use of computers? Perhaps ... although one would think they might have asked old hands about the 1875 code date that kept appearing. As an educator having taught middle, high school and undergraduate classes for 41 years ... most 19 year olds having the needed experience interaction capable of the current assignment? Duh ... fire those responsible for nuclear safety? Critical medical care? Consumer protection? Safe airtime traffic? Have at it and learn the lesson ... the hard way. It really is a sad irony, yesterday I support continious government review, that is why we have Inspector Generals, for example.
  13. While I am in Chiang Mai, I go and get a Re-Entry Permit before any trip. The airport getting to the flight without any panic is worth it to me. I download the form or pick one up at Central Festival Mall Immigration (on the 2nd floor), bring my own photo, pay the 1000 baht fee, they stamp the Re-Entry Permit in my Passport.
  14. Only appealing to an ignorant base. Any thinking America can recognize these actions are not the right way to deal with issues ... but the Trump, Projectr 2025 ilk approach is consistent across domestic and international dealings. Sad bu that is what other Americans voted for so have at it.
  15. "Such mandates usurp parental authority and burden students of many faiths," the order states. However, it does not address other routine immunization requirements for diseases such as measles, mumps, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. Most schools require students to receive several vaccines before attending classes, though exemptions for medical reasons or personal beliefs vary by state". Current lessening of measles vaccine use in west Texas? Reports of increased measles cases in same area? I am old enough to remember my Uncle having a "where'd leg" from polio, the "iron lungs", the closing of lakes in South Jersey (US) due to polio. I also remember the school required vaccine shots and when we were lined up to receive the Salk and Sabine vaccines. But, hey, if current Americans want to return to the "good ole days" ... have at it. Elmer, Clarence, Emma West ... Uncles and Aunt ... never knew them, they died of childhood illnesses now protected for by those school required vaccines.
  16. "running a country is like running a business" ah ... no. "this should not be brushed aside as insignificant" ... absolutely correct we are undergoing a stress test ... testing whether that nation or any nation can long endure" ...
  17. I'm following the court decisions addressing the cut off of funding.
  18. Just tried them. Going back to Gillete.
  19. I have enjoyed being retired here for 13+ years but am looking closer at Southern Mexico as a plan B.
  20. Ha! Blow torch?!
  21. Wait, what? You mean there was overfilling of the taxpayer by the private, for-profit companies? Sounds like more support for a national not-for-profit healthcare system. Maybe that is the "concept" Trump was referring to in questions about his healthcare plan?
  22. It certainly could work considering the American ignorance of the world and that shutting down the agency forthwith results in children dying ... bu, hey, America First.
  23. Muskoteers ...
  24. And, of course, the evidence supporting the accusations has been presented ...
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