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Everything posted by stoner

  1. so is walking then. quick hide under your covers you will be safe there. meanwhile out in the real world most rational people see a huge problem with a 10 year old riding a motorbike. there is really a quick and easy solution. also how many kids do you hear about dying on bicycles compared to motorbikes ? ill go out on a limb and say the numbers are a little lopsided to say the least.
  2. see many kids at 10 years old back home riding bikes out on the roads do you ? your comment looks like you are having a meltdown.
  3. they make it all sound so simple. do the right thing eh ? for whom ? this is a serious conundrum. don't stop and you may hit a pedestrian. stop and you may be rammed from behind. which may also smash everyone into the pedestrian you stopped for. when i am on my scooter in bkk and stopping at these things i look behind me a million times and my heart goes to heart attack levels. sabai sabai.
  4. figured it wouldn't be long. it was a human being for gods sake.
  5. have a lawyer serve her with divorce papers....she should get the hint then.
  6. the wholier than tho western attitude is pathetic. willing to bet your own nation is as guilty if not more of the same things. but keep barking on dont let me stop you.
  7. must be why they are all trying to look like south koreans.
  8. what are you talking about hypocritical. you are the one crying about how much you dont care about the thread you are commenting on. you sound strange man. thanks i will go pack a bong, first smart thing you have said.
  9. why is AN printing this ? this is false and/or fake news. its well documented now that cannabis is not a gateway drug.
  10. ok not to be a total jerk here but in a thread where we are talking about people getting stupiderer you go on to tell everyone you are sitting on like 30k usd in coins. ahhhhhh
  11. Alot of people are selling CBD buds as high THC buds I think. The price seems to be a good indicator. If your getting a gram of an Exotic strain for 200-300 it probably smells great and it is that strain but a CBD version of the strain. must be all that high quality locally grown bud flooding the market like i have been hearing for a few months. go local !! ????
  12. yes paying for p**sy has that effect on some men.....most.....ok all. thats called an erection bob.
  13. pollen can travel many miles to your plants from another location. with so many male plants being planted and grown outside here (people buying clones from markets etc without knowing m or f) cross pollination is bound to happen a lot.
  14. Until the wheels fall off, if you’ll pardon the pun ???? the wheels on the bus go round and round ?
  15. says the guy stressing out over open windows ????
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