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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Given the choice, I would carry Anutin's bag, you never know what you might find in it!
  2. I'll try and call him for an answer, be patient, it may take some time, after all, he's not talking!
  3. I'll salute and say Nihao ma Comrade! I want 2 Tsingtao beers thx!
  4. OMG! Finally a hero emerges! Exactly what will happen in 2 1/2 months from now that you can also forecast with total accuracy!
  5. For the poster of the confused emoji, you really are dumb, aren't you! 🤪
  6. Similar to my reply really, trying to help you get the red out of your eyes!
  7. Well try something else! Tetryzoline hydrochloride for those interested!
  8. Whore mongers beware, it's coming for you!
  9. Visine!.............Perfect!
  10. Ahhhhh...I wear the one I like, try it! 🙄
  11. Pretty messed up what ever it is! Another education by internet, just don't venture too far, Susy, you might learn something!
  12. God Damn Slim, farnd me a decent hangin' tree and a good damn cow rope and we all can invoke the law! Yee Hawwwww!
  13. Ah Alpha, seems you prefer education from the internet that learning by real life experience! Get out there and find out, you'll get a hundred answers here and they'll all be different!
  14. She did WHAT??? The ultimate sin, a Facebook Unfriending!!! NOOOO, how could she be so cruel???
  15. The insurrection is gaining weight!
  16. I tried but the needle keeps blocking up with resin? Do you think it would work up the nose???
  17. You have no idea where I live!
  18. Do you speak with a squeaky voice?
  19. Who know's when you'll cross the path of a demented Yank in a bad mood?
  20. Absolute spineless wimp! Enjoy the can Ek-Isara! See how muck Isara you have next week!
  21. It's woeful education that's forced down their throats, Thinking is a foreign conception, the teacher does the thinking thank you!
  22. What about that time tested application that has a place in many altercations......ALCOHOL!!! Or thereof it's the clowns who drink it but can't handle it!!!
  23. Just how stupid were the English for giving us such a wonderful country while they chose to stay in rainy old England!.............. Thanks England, try a holiday sometime and see just what you squandered!! 🙄
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