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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. We've got your name, we've got your number!!!
  2. The mangy mongrel soi dogs on most streets are soooo cute! 😏
  3. Right! Ol' Bruno, family and friends from the back blocks of Wyoming has no idea where Thailand is!
  4. Are there ONLY bargirls working in Thailand??? Get out there and find an educated one from a good family!..........though I guess that's not so easy when you're on a 3 week holiday!
  5. ...............they make it by sucking in naive fresh tourists!
  6. Should I change my name to 2million???
  7. Your'e as weird as old GammyGlobules!
  8. It's guys like you, marin, that keep this forum alive, you keep sucking them in Bob, there's one born every minute!
  9. Bob sincerely thanks you for your continued support!
  10. The 10,000 thb hand out from govt will cure all ills, be patient! I'll get that new Honda Wave no matter what!
  11. Are you sure you are not a detective??? Where did you get this startling development???
  12. Oh I have no doubt that Bob is a male, it's susanlea that seems a bit dodgy!!!
  13. No they don;t Bob, no one listens to her/him!
  14. With Bob??? The battery operated boyfriend???
  15. Ahhh the good ol' US of A! Come on, Elon, you tight ass, make a decent contribution and make sure to buy the vote, Apparently Ol' Donzo is a bit cash strapped at the moment!!
  16. ......and how does that effect me, I'm not American?
  17. When teaching a young dog not to mess in the house, you rub their nose in it one or two times, it's amazing how quick they learn! Maybe this guys nose needs a good rub in it! 💩
  18. Tell your friend ; As much as is humanly possible without being questioned!
  19. So who goes and buys the somtam whilst ma and pa have a wee tipple?
  20. 2 men & 1 women wanted by cops for sex on Patong beach I thought police were trying to stop this debauchery, not advertise for it!
  21. When are you leaving or have you already left???
  22. Because I disagree with you makes me a troll??? Grow up!
  23. Oh, flesh wounds?...........As you seem a bit slow, I am talking about Americas love of guns, why, they even tried to KILL the former president! Did you hear about that?
  24. You'll never ever get it will you!....Damn it, keep that shooter loaded, Tex! You are surrounded by Americans!
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