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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Does it really matter, the procurers are happy, that's what matters!
  2. Work harder or tell her to get lost!
  3. Oh look at the snakes, it's pretty obvious the number is 32! ????
  4. Eric Clapton, David Gilmour, Neil Young.
  5. The only thing that has'nt changed is the color of their hair!
  6. Uniforms are engrained in the culture, they determine place in the pecking order.
  7. Racism....plain and simple....shame Thailand, shame on you!
  8. They've been copping it for years now, I can't see anything changing.
  9. Great marching......see!.............school is not a waste of time!
  10. They can all talk the talk, they will never walk the walk!
  11. Amazing! The former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives was a convicted heroin smuggler. ????
  12. Ladyboys are hoping it will attract many Indians wearing gold chains!
  13. The Chinese workers building the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia will be able to slip into Thailand for a weekend of prawns and debauchery! Everyone's a winner.
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