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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Now the scamming Chinese have muscled in on the scamming lowlife Nigerians scammers! ????
  2. So many accidents could be avoided if they just employed a bit of common sense, unfortunately............................................! ????
  3. Because he has lost face big time and can't face the people now above him!
  4. Well, second fiddle Prayut does'nt look near as happy as the Minister for Weed! Maybe he should try some!
  5. So, the chooks have finally come home to roost! Predictable for most.
  6. Dream about it as most will not be able to afford the fine!
  7. The guns are just an extension of their inadequate manhood!
  8. Be sure to only use the smallest pipe then you can dig it up and replace each year with a bigger pipe, you know, like Beach Road, kaching kaching!
  9. I wonder what the actual amount was? ????
  10. No way! I can see 38 or 83! ???? ????
  11. Pumpkin seeds?
  12. Do you know who we are?............................................. Disgraceful!
  13. Again, gutless wimps, go for the woman you spineless morons!
  14. Half hearted pointing today, but hey, that's the way local media operates.
  15. Nothing wrong with nepotism now, is there? Surely there is something for his children/cousins/distant relatives too?
  16. So much better than the cretin who runs the place now!
  17. I forecast that if you washed out the black hair dye, your hair will be grey underneath!
  18. You've got the wrong angle of the dangle, visa exempt is free!
  19. " It was unclear whether the woman’s claim was true or not, but many tourists both foreign and Thai were surely appalled at the incident, TPN noted." Did you even read the story?
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