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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Ah, why not shoot the works and stay open 24 hours per day?
  2. ....................and the box of red neckties from Emperor Xi!
  3. Bill did'nt give her $130,000 to keep quiet! ????
  4. Oh, did I mention Stormy Daniels?
  5. How did you know? ????......................and her name is Lek, OK! ????
  6. Bill did TWO terms!
  7. I wonder what woke the woke people? ????
  8. Damn rooster WOKE me up again today!
  9. About time SOMEONE stood up to the Chinese! ????
  10. .............. while ever there's swill in the trough! ????
  11. Right, when I woke at 5.30am this morning, it was'nt funny at all.
  12. I see. ????
  13. Do you support the one term, lying, insurectionist loser?
  14. Now who was it that promised to Make America Great Again? ????
  15. She'll be fairly decrepit when she gets out!
  16. Part of their aggressive communist expansion plans.
  17. Is China's 9 dash line legal and valid? China's 9 dash line is an invalid territorial claim because: It is illegal. It endangers the sovereignty of multiple states with exclusive economic zones in the south china sea.
  18. Taiwan, Japan, Philippines and Vietnam would beg to differ.
  19. They've been doing that for many years now.....a lot of it on stolen islands in the South China Sea.
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