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  1. So there was a prolfic poster in the covid forum who always used large fonts, bolded fonts etc. on a daily if not hourly basis. I replied to one of these posts also using bolded and larger fonts. I was handed a warning for mimicing this writing style. BTW, this same mod won't address any pm's I've sent about this. What's with the double standard? Not a professional look to say the least.
  2. Big pharma and big food are afraid they're going to lose their cash cow. A sick child is the best customer pharma can have. Young, and a customer for life. These grifters are afraid that the much needed cleanup of corruption will take away their huge profits. Of course it's all hands on deck slinging insults at FRK Jr as pharma and food are huge sponsors of MSM. There's a reason why there aren't any news stories about the dangers of big pharma and their drugs. Big pharma pays their bills and they see the writing on the wall.
  3. People are finally waking up to the false narrative that has been perpetuated by the heavily left leaning MSM. Now that their viewership and page views are way down, they need to come up with sensationalist headlines for anyone to even give these rags a second look. Good riddance.
  4. This topic is outdated fast. Looking at the chart on the below link, XBB isn't even around anymore! https://www.idsociety.org/covid-19-real-time-learning-network/diagnostics/covid-19-variant-update/#/+/0/publishedDate_na_dt/desc/ The JN.1 variant is antigenically distinct from the XBB.1.5 variant, which is the current target of monovalent COVID-19 vaccines. Recent research shows that JN.1 is very efficient at immune evasion (even more so than other Omicron variants), resulting in an increased reproductive number. Evidence from a small serological study has suggested that serological protection against SARS-CoV-2 is reduced against JN.1 variants compared to other BA.2.86 viruses among young adults who had received at least a complete primary series of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
  5. From what I have heard they already have contracts in place for rebuilding Ukraine. Nice non compete awards, must be nice.
  6. This guy on twitter seems to have good quality for less than 100 baht per gram, even when buying just 10 grams.
  7. So you're trying to say that there's no grifting going on in all these causes? Here's one to start, the 350 million dollar grift to help Gaza aid that is now being removed. I could name 20 more, but I'll let you keep being ignorant to the fact and let you keep your blinders on that all these causes are altrusitic. Good luck in life, you're going to need it with that nic.
  8. Poof, there goes a 350 million dollar grift which was supposed to help get aid. https://apnews.com/article/gaza-pier-humanitarian-aid-israel-3143130f56bbbc2c6ed30c5801a39a51 "US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently removed"
  9. If you want to look up the grifts occuring in the us, they have a website where you can do it. https://www.usaspending.gov/search Just listening to a podcast now about how all the ngo's that are working on the illegal migrant front are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants and spending most of the money on payroll, not on actually helping migrants. Show me a a cause, and i'll show you a grift. Vide
  10. Politicians around the world are in on the grift, it's not exclusive to the US. Then you can throw in climate change grift, electric vehicle grift, war in Ukraine grift, covid grift and that would be the tip of the iceberg on the grifts going on all around us 24/7.
  11. I'd like to see who funds these groups that come up with these "analysis" based on modeling. Guaranteed they have skin in the game. Microsoft AI for health, really? Chan School of Public Health, really? How much funding for grants and studies come from those with skin in the game and aren't neutral?
  12. Meanwhile a year later, people in Maui have gotten nothing but the middle finger from the US government. That's a great way to treat your own citizens isn't it?
  13. I highly suggest to learn more about Fauci and RFK Jr to read "The Real Anthony Fauci" Notice there has not been a single lawsuit againt this book by Fauci for the contents. After reading this, you will see Fauci as the bad actor he really is. Note the 25,000 reviews and the 4.8 rating. Feel free to read the comments by those who have purchased the book. https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804
  14. Unlike your boy Biden who has had aneurym's and now it is clearly showing with his cognitive decline on full display.
  15. No one should replace Biden. He is as sharp as a tack, just ask the media.
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