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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. u had Aussie janitors ?
  2. She is going to jail, her political aspirations for Governor of NY state are down the toilet. There is footage of her openly stating her whole mission was to thwart Trump by swamping him with court cases that were politically motivated.
  3. It is pricey but the quality and selection is superior to the other options.
  4. So why did Harris lose so badly? if Trump voters are dumb, uneducated and have a low IQ.
  5. And what is the median score of your IQ ? you've taken more than one test no ?
  6. Are you homosexual ? Most straight men did not vote or support Harris. Legitimate question and not a flame, even if you are 🙂
  7. 🤑 Donation pages are still active, aiming to generate funds post-election to help cover the deficit.🤑 Kamala Harris raised over $1 billion—much of which was spent on advertising—but internal polling showed that she still struggled to convince swing-state voters that Donald Trump had been a bad president. Harris, based on filings, disclosed spending $880 million on the election by mid-October, more than double the $354 million disclosed by Trump, according to The Washington Examiner. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-kamala-harris-plowed-through-1-billion-and-still-lost-to-donald-trump/
  8. The basement supermarket of central mall has an excellent salad bar where you mix and match and take home - actually its outstanding. Foodland has a decent salad bar also.
  9. Wonder if she is living off Daddy's money or has she removed the appendage that so infuriated him. 🔪
  10. = Harris raised 1.2 billion dollars still lost massively (a right proper thrashing as the lads in Brixton say) and left her campaign 2o million dollars in debt. LOL !!!!! Guess hiring Beyonce and Cardi B was not what Americans wanted 🙂 Imagine how bad she would have trashed the US economy
  11. Really ? Like the way the liberal US media predicted the election results Holla @ Yo Boi
  12. I assumed you always swallowed ?? 💦💦💦
  13. Punked out again, story of your life 🙂
  14. please in your arrogance and supreme self importance, tell us how many of these red areas are the maga cult and how many are just the American left (your terminology).
  15. no she was obviously complicit and knew all these scum.
  16. Congrats , looks like an interesting option for myself come next visa renewal .
  17. So why did Trump win ? = why did so many AMERICANS vote for him < your views are the minority time for some self introspection Jingthing
  18. So why did so many Americans vote for him ?? M'kay this what the lads in Brixton call a "Proper Thrashing"
  19. miss your meds today ? or are you really that fragile
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