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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. sure seems like there were a lot of 'those'
  2. Here is why
  3. She is going to jail .
      • 1
      • Agree
  4. Yet you voted for Kamala Yet you voted for Kamala
  5. Bitcoin 76,349.63USD Following +435.64 (0.57%)today
  6. He is def the hero the Democrats all need.
  7. She lost because USA is racist and misogynistic.
  8. Dangerous area of Thailand for sure. ***Muslim territory
  9. USA ain't the UK, sure is a darn shame about that Muslim problem y'all having ... uneducted ? ☑️
  10. wtf ? Sato you this poo 💩 No , i no likey !! 🤮 Sato the powers of persuasion , ahh sooo 💩
  11. Again with your mindless babble Stupid people voted for Kamala and she lost, really really badly.. Stupid people often lose in life
  12. You Don't Democrats got absolutely crushed 🙂 Their policies suck and only the stupid, low IQ and poorly educated fell for their charade this round. Whine all you want on this forum, apparently it's all you have. The hard reality is you're absolutely powerless and your vote and opinion were / are meaningless.
  13. Shop is owned by her French husband.
  14. Very diplomatic of you , I much prefer to rub salt in her wounds.
  15. u live next to this crazy fker and see how you felt
  16. lots of bar girls making that yen
  17. I think Kamala should have used this when Doug was muff diving those Nannies....
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