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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. I was robbed at gunpoint in NYC subway, a 14 year old hoodrat pulled a Glock19 on me. Was not gonna get shot so gave the slag my money. Fighting back ain't always that smart.
  2. Flat seat looks like total trash but wondering how shaving down that top ridge is ? Have you done this ?
  3. Had a Wave before where they removed to top cover and shaved down the foam inside to make it more comfortable. Is this the only option for this newer model with such a pronounced ridge?
  4. Y'all wondering why America and most of the EU is in total shambles, just read the drivel of a whiny liberal...
  5. Are all Australians as fat as Americans now ?
  6. Forthcoming news this was a use of deodorant issue and some Dettol soap has been levied .
  7. The clown show ?
  8. Baht is always manipulated prior and during high season.
  9. Referencing Ya Mo (for all you cultural wannabes out there) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thao_Suranari
  10. They are also mostly from families with many millions net worth.
  11. Look up box breathing. It works.
  12. You know who pays for the all the new studies on optium BP levels? Yep, Big Pharma. They even recently lowered the ideal numbers again.
  13. You can purchase the day before to guarantee a time slot, I'd suggest 9am bus to play it safe.
  14. Kamala is rumored to have selected Hillary as her vice president.
  15. She is complicit in the attempt to assassinate Trump, this case is not over yet.
  16. Link if allowed, or full product name for Lazada search. Thank You.
  17. She is obviously drunk and or high in some of those clips. Wonder if she smokes blunts with her Homies.
  18. Can recommend local purchase please like Makro or even Lazada Whey or Pea protein powder w/o stevia or sucrose added.
  19. She's got all the delusional Biden supporters moist AF. Montell was also tapping that.
  20. Kamala like Biden has absolutely no chance of beating Trump. The charade continues obviously.
  21. They are delicious but overpriced. La Boulange is probably the best French bakery in town, thank God not run by Belgians. Tiens, voilà du boudin, voilà du boudin, voilà du boudin (voilà du boudin) Pour les Alsaciens, les Suisses et les Lorrains (les Suisses et les Lorrains) Pour les Belges, y en a plus Pour les Belges, y en a plus Ce sont des tireurs au cul Pour les Belges, y en a plus Pour les Belges, y en a plus Ce sont des tireurs au cul
  22. Yes same owner and product and the prices are even higher there.
  23. https://www.pattayabiz.site/business/la-cremerie Obviously from all their overpriced stale bread, but this place makes it.
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