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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. 555 Keep working that post count. Next you can tell us about the time you went to Flushing Queens on the 7 train.
  2. Hopefully Iran grows some balls and gives a reason for USA to deliver them some iron freedom.
  3. Facebook Marketplace, tons of fat / lazy ppl buy bikes at retail and never use them.
  4. How dare you patronize me.
  5. So what is a better alternative than April ?
  6. They will play the victim as long as they can. Idiots just blew up their own hospital with a rocket misfire.
  7. Keep working on your 68,000 post count with these nonsense rebuttals. Let the big boys own and worry about real monetary losses.
  8. Muslims cause problem wherever they are, Southern Thailand they kill monks and teachers, South Philippine Islands they bomb innocent people indiscriminately, London has become a violent intolerant open air Mosque. Islam is not the religion of peace. They oppress their women horribly. Islamic doctrine prohibits adults of the same sex to love each other. People should take a good hard look at what they are being so self righteous about defending.
  9. Real estate ain't going down 40% but fiat currencies you'll need to purchase said condos will.
  10. Go check out how they're doing in Sweden or Belgium.
  11. Wonder where they learned Thai? Yala perhaps.
  12. It's a means to an end.
  13. Market instability and potential worldwide recession decline in fiat currencies say it's a good time to park money in tangible assets.
  14. You poor frustrated child, unable to see the big picture.
  15. None actually, it is a very dark place Hamas chose to go. Very Dark.
  16. Jeff, go help them - go now and help them.
  17. come try wit me Sherm, we see who keeps
  18. When you have a cancer do you leave a little bit when inside cutting?
  19. RIP : they were most likely very hard workers trying to improve their families lives. Retribution is warranted
  20. If anything you can film a reality show at the Nirun and it's bound to be a hit.
  21. Ummm, sit back and watch. Glad you're a fan of radical Islam have you been around these ppl much?
  22. no we use unmarked drones purchased from Turkey.
  23. Phuket is such trash, keep it.
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