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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. I saw nice actual leather Lazy B Sofas at Index Living Mall.
  2. Preface this with I've used the small shops that do the actual sewing that dot all around TukCom, so not looking for a beach road Indian broker shop. Would like to make a very good quality sport jacket, recommendations please?
  3. You mean those hand printed looking labels aren't confidence inspiring?
  4. Honda produces a far superior product than Yamaha.
  5. It is a trail bike at heart, almost akin to riding around on an enduro thru the city.
  6. Well was able to test drive one today from a local dealer. Rode really nice with smooth handling and very true to it's trail bike roots. That said I think it would be a crappy daily driver inside the city.
  7. Try the Swedish meatballs w/lingonberry sauce, def a must in IKEA.
  8. Was he/she that hairy?
  9. Sure is, plenty of awesome mods for this bike as well.
  10. Could care less about that Dork.
  11. Anyone a few month into owning the new model? If so you would consider it a solid purchase or just a novelty bike for the weekends? Looking for a daily runner coming from a Wave 125i which has been bulletproof except for the high kilometers the clock now has on it. Any insight appreciated.
  12. Selection, quality which is better?
  13. And the rest of the modern free world.
  14. I think if you are an expat you should be able to communicate in Thai. Shocked at how many people tell me they have been here over 10 years but cannot count from 1 to 10 in Thai. Is this a reflection of people's IQ
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