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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. Can you prove this statement? I've seen questionable claims from you.
  2. Send me your address. I'll send you some ear wax remover.
  3. Does she then stick her hands in the bean sprouts to put them in the soup? Tasty.
  4. We are also not referred to as a left-handed smoke shifter for the same reason.
  5. How surprising that you would get it wrong. Mang Farang = potato - white. I don't care where it was derived. It is now used to describe white people.
  6. I am not a farang. When I hear that word, I always ask the speaker in Thai where it is. Farang is like schmuck. Why call yourself something derogatory?
  7. Try to talk to yourself in an affirming way. The American way is much better than most around the world. We are just smarter.
  8. That's special. I just bought a Samsung 6 LTE watch. 300 Dollars instead of 500 Dollars here. Same warranty. Great watch. Why give schmucks who overcharge everyone the extra 200 Dollars? I spent it on something else I needed. Again, there is no money here; I paid for it there. If you were a nicer man, I might tell you.
  9. No. That's why Thailand needs the death penalty for child abusers.
  10. Last month, I saved a thousand dollars by not buying locally here in Thailand. I won't tell you from where. Why? You're not nice.
  11. Panning for gold is a dirty business. Do it correctly, and you will find shiny gold. Look for the gold.
  12. British brawling in the street? That's not possible. They are so civilized. Stiff upper and that ...
  13. Is only a binary solution for you? My, how you have limited yourself. Climate change nonsense. Keep it to yourself.
  14. I don't go quickly with the flow. Ranting nonsense seems to be the norm here.
  15. Quite right my good man. If Thai women were a TV Dinner, they would undoubtedly be a "Hungry Man" dinner.
  16. Not as rare as you claim. I may have found 1 or 2 more than you.
  17. I can guarantee you I have not, nor will I ever pay 300b for a Big Mac. What would be next? A 300b Starbuck's Coffee? You must not know about the McDonald's Coupon App.
  18. Weren't they the ones they called "lame, dupe, overpayers?"
  19. Uh oh, it seems the proof is in the pudding. He gets it. Please join the non-ankle biters in the real world.
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