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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. It is a total sham, and you know it. Nothing about my question was stupid. I can't say the same for your response.
  2. It wasn't debited off your card, it was charged to your card. The bank rep is lazy. Call the bank and use the card services people there. Do you have proof you paid with cash? If you don't, your are f842747R&R&YWED
  3. All these people are giving you crap information. If you made a purchase with your debit card or Kasikorns Web Virtual Card, that purchase is covered by Mastercard and Visa. Stop listening to nudniks and call Kbank. If you paid for something and the service is not provided, you can involve the bank.
  4. Will they take away their lighters and matches? Force the cretinous arsonists to have to make fire without a flint of any kind. That will do it.
  5. It depends where you live. Bolt and Grab in Bangkok have similar pricing. Grab is 100b more than Bolt in Pattaya. Many Bolt drivers are animals most like to tailgate. I don't put up with that sh*#$*$@ when I am in the car. My last bolt driver thought nothing about plucking hairs from her chin while waiting for a red light to change to green. I reported her.
  6. It's not a huge leap from physical abuse to sexual abuse. This teacher gets off on it.
  7. This is the only way to sort it out.
  8. It is amazing to me how many of you ignore the teacher. Why is it always the children's fault? What does it say about you? Perhaps it is too simple. I'll help all you who feel the need to apologize to some sadist masquerading as an educator. His nickname is boss. multiple children have come forward to claim being assaulted. There is a video of the results of the assault. Sally has a black eye. Rick frequently walks his street, and he speaks to Sally about the obvious black eye. Rick asked Sally who assaulted her. Sally, of course, lives her life in fear, so she doesn't dare tell Rick about her husband's multiple assaults. "Don't make a big deal of it," she told Rick. "At least I don't have two black eyes like Raven two houses down," she said.
  9. You, sir, have not been paying to attention to driving from South to North Pattaya.
  10. Based on principle go to the police and charge him with theft by deception. Even if you have to pay the police money, it will be worth it to make his life miserable.
  11. I love the idea of a 15-minute city only for lefties and tree-huggers. I prefer to hug the rail!
  12. The Thais are fantastic at planning! They never do anything. Pfft!
  13. What shall we conclude from all this that you wrote above? Beat our children unmercifully so they can graduate summa cum laude?
  14. A large group of concerned parents should go see teacher Boss and tell him to fetch his cane. If he doesn't step to it immediately he should be beaten doubly.
  15. Shame on you for making excuses for a sadist pretending to be a teacher.
  16. Does anyone remember the movie REPO MAN?
  17. I enjoy watching you liberal stalwarts squirm. You're trying to contain oil in a cheese cloth. Good luck with that.
  18. The proof is in the thumbs. I said there weren't enough to plug the holes. Stop running for your safe spaces and engage in debate. Have no fear. I don't bite.
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