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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. ...I'll just leave this here for now.
  2. not a veil in sight when the thai lasses are on the town! nothing but short skirts and boob tubes. wonderful stuff. bob.
  3. spot on again! you are on a roll my son. bob.
  4. ....thai wives aren't murdering innocent children in dance schools though, are they? I bet half of those patriots have thai wives themselves (or at least go to pattaya once a year). bob.
  5. the police are the biggest animals of them all. they should be in the pen with all the other pigs. bob.
  6. I think I'll leave it there for now *mic drop* bob smith 1 - 0 youreavinalaff bob.
  7. ...No. But you are glued to AN, making typos. bob.
  8. keep telling yourself that. I'm actually embarrassed for you. bob.
  9. ...did you mean 'making' ? what a grade A plonker you are!! bob.
  10. ...did your ex wife run off with the milkman, malcolm? bob.
  11. ...all of which Thailand doesn't take in btw, just as a side note. They do, however, take in UK citizens that contribute positively to the economy. the three types that you mentioned are nothing but a drain. bob.
  12. the only fool around here is you. would you like to see sharia law on the streets of england? do you think it would be a more peaceful society if we all prayed 5 times a day? what time is your antifa meetup?.... do yourself a favor and put that guardian paper down for a minute and open your eyes! bob.
  13. how about the other 47%? muslims? bob.
  14. they are all down (what used to be) the local hotel, living it up on the taxpayers purse.. none can speak a word of english. bob.
  15. OK. That is your opinion, to which you are entitled. anything else? bob.
  16. Exactly. Even the most moderate people in my family has issues with unfettered, illegal migration. They didn't ask for them to be there and certainly don't want them there. They all tell me the same thing - that their community/village that they grew up in and loved as kids is now totally unrecognizable. I believe them. bob.
  17. Kinda hard not to be these days with a mosque on every corner, innit. bob.
  18. You are totally dismissing the racial undercurrents that have brought this storm to the surface. There will be more protests. There will be more riots. There may even be a civil war, who knows. But mark my words, this is just the beginning. bob.
  19. from what i've seen they don't.. bob.
  20. For the most part it's the police who are the aggressors. and this two tier policing warrants a good old shoeing from the locals who are sick to the back teeth of being treated like second class citizens in their own country! the old bill are a disgrace. all this has been a long time coming. bob.
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