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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. No. are you? (how's the commute).. ? bob.
  2. i've been watching youtube recently and one fella i'm subscribed to seems to be taken for granted by his thai family/in laws. he does everything for them, never even gets a thank you in return. I stopped doing things for my in-laws years ago, precisely because of this lack of respect. they haven't had a penny from me for years and never will again. where does this all stem from? are foreigners just expected to do things for/pay for thais because they are farang and might have more money? and why the lack of appreciation when a farang does do something for the in laws? i've seen how thais act towards each other when doing favors, they wai all over the shop, thanking each other profusely.. is it just expected so need to say thanks? would the thai lose face by saying thank you to a farang that does something nice for them? are we all just taken for granted here? and also for those that bend over backwards for your wifes family and get nothing in return - why do you keep doing it? is it out of pity or is it something else? bob.
  3. ..nobody reads your posts anyway! bob.
  4. ralfs got plenty. bob.
  5. up yours then. bob.
  6. ....and i thought you and me were mates!! bob.
  7. too drunk for that. boib.
  8. you got it frsico. bob.
  9. i'm always on the pull. mr.s smith likes it. bob.
  10. im tempted mate. they are very hot, bob.
  11. yes. can;t i share withf riends? bob.
  12. you dont have to monitor it if you dont want to. bob.
  13. had my first drink at 10am today. then the boys came round. theyd brought their girls with them., a few oif them are smokin weed but i dont like it. dont mind them smokin thougfh. someone mentioned ice, but i thought it was the frozen kind.. we are about to open another bottle of jake daniels. the girls are very excited. msuci is playing and the balcony is full of geezer n birds. im getting a bit horny to be honest, mrs smith aint here, when the cats away the mice are certain to play. you all know the score. 1-0 to bob, always has been and always will be! bob.
  14. all you need to do to assess their maturity level is take a look at the garbage they watch every night on TV. bob.
  15. Thais are mostly very immature. Not all of them, but most of them. bob.
  16. utterly hopeless you are. a lost cause. bob.
  17. get a load a this guy! clueless. bob.
  18. it's saturday so im sleeping at wife number 2's house tonight. bob.
  19. you are so wide of the mark that it's almost unbelievable.. but keep telling yourself these fantastical stories if it makes you feel better! bob.
  20. because she loves me. bob.
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