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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. so it doesn't give them free hotels, money, clothes etc like the UK does, they actually have to work for a living? right, got ya. bob.
  2. If I were the leader of a 'rich' country, I would shut all the doors to illegals. I would have the army and reservists patrolling my shores at all times. Any of those that slipped through the net would be rounded up and sent to camps for hard labor. That should deter those thinking about coming here on a small boat.. In my country, if I were at the helm, you come over with credentials to work hard and pay lots of tax. If you don't find a job within 3 months then you are sent back to whence you came. Proof of funds to support oneself for those 3 months would be mandatory to apply for the job seekers visa, as would proof of degree/masters/phd. No freeloaders welcome, only grafters. bob.
  3. Pattaya has never been a 'safe' place for foreigners, or anyone else for that matter.. It is full of scumbags, both thai and farang, and always will be! bob.
  4. ....I'm sure he'll turn up on soi 6 sometime in the near future! bob.
  5. Let's use a quick scenario, shall we.. If Thailand was all of a sudden swamped by people coming over in boats - do you think they would welcome them in or do you think they would let them drown at sea? I'm going with the latter. bob.
  6. don't need to check them out. everyone already knows how small they are. bob.
  7. ...men with small willy's can never intimidate me! it's just not possible. bob.
  8. thais are soft as sh!te 1 on 1. they hunt in packs, like rabid dogs. bob.
  9. yes they do. bob.
  10. It's really very simple : Just don't go. hit the thais where it hurts them the most - their pockets! bob.
  11. really??? are they all on the take via state handouts as well? and this topic is specifically about asylum seekers, not well healed immigrants/expats. bob.
  12. I've no idea! How are they, stoner? bob.
  13. genuine question. why is thailand not overflowing with asylum seekers? why are thai hotels not full of migrants that came over on boats? I mean, the weather is warmer here than in the UK isn't it? why would anyone want to claim asylum in a country that rains 300 days a year... does anyone know why Thailand is not currently full of Asylum Seekers seeking to relocate permanently in Thailand without any money in the bank? thanks. bob.
  14. is it OK for muslims to wander the streets of England with machetes then? bob.
  15. fair point. so get out (freeloaders), nobody likes/wants you there anyway. bob.
  16. The neds up there wouldn't stand for half of the stuff the english do! bob.
  17. The so called 'Muslim Defence League' were also out on the streets over the weekend. Some had knives and machetes.... any thoughts? bob.
  18. exactly my point. everybody loves us and our money! bob.
  19. ... just maybe if it's as bad as you say it will be then muslims may finally be forced to have a bacon butty. bob.
  20. and by 2030 that same amount will be swimming in the English channel! bob.
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