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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. No it doesn't. Just takes money. Even a bin man can afford a month in Pattaya these days.. bob.
  2. and who might you be? another secret admirer? bob.
  3. you never got started anyway! you are a nobody. bob.
  4. everything you need to know in regards to my opinion is contained within my post above. why the need for further clarification via your question? bob.
  5. ordinary members should be allowed to lean whichever way they so wish and be allowed to express themselves freely. the powers that be should remain neutral. sadly that just isn't the case here. bob.
  6. I've always wondered the same. AN is littered with lefty loonies! bob.
  7. Time to face the music, Thaksin.. the only problem is that you don't get to pick the song! bob.
  8. you are dreaful. bob.
  9. and if it does indeed transpire that the perp was muslim, and not 17 as initially stated, what then? bob.
  10. the touts must love you!! bob.
  11. ....isn't it just!! what do you think of the sock and shoe combo? bob.
  12. payday today ralf? bob.
  13. im off out now on a little social experiment. I'm heading to a well known tourist ghetto dressed in the stereotypical tourist attire. I'm going to pretend that I am fresh off the boat and have no clue about anything. I'm also going to say yes to anything that is offered to me. I have a spare 10,000 in my pocket and i'm bored so I fancy a bit of fun.. who knows where I may end up! btw, if you see a bloke dressed like this today then it may just be me!! UPDATES TO FOLLOW. bob.
  14. ....sounds like another NIDA poll to me. bob.
  15. So do the Thais. Just ask the Cambodians and the Burmese. bob.
  16. They certainly do not! No thai would ever put up with that kind of behavior. bob.
  17. he is entitled to his opinion and to openly express it how he sees fit. bob.
  18. Thai people have the thinnest skin I have ever seen. they can't even take a single ounce of constructive criticism, everything has to be great, perfect, you did good, pat on the back and a pay rise.. get over yourselves for god's sake. bob.
  19. I like to stay as informed from as many different sources as I possibly can. is it not the same for you? bob.
  20. ...isn't that naivety precisely what many thai's see as a weakness in foreigners, and why so many farangs end up getting scammed into buying their girlfriends a house in their name, only to find themselves being kicked out of said house 6 months later.. bob.
  21. read my op. this isn't strictly about me. bob.
  22. they thank each other but don't seem to thank foreigners very much.. and i'm no farmer. bob.
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