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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. what about high flying, high net worth businesswomen? what kind of security do you think they are looking for? Can't be financial if they are earning in excess of 500K per anum.. bob.
  2. i'm going the shop in a minute. bob.
  3. ...that the road to your local, steven? bob.
  4. I only accept cash (THB) bob.
  5. non nudes = 500,000 per pic. nudes = 1,000,000 per pic. nudes + vegemite = 2.5mil for a personalized album of 10. bob.
  6. I'm very expensive, terry. bob.
  7. beggars belief here at times mate.. the things I've seen over the years are truly staggering. bob.
  8. sounds like my friday nights! bob.
  9. soozy poozy thrives on attention. sat there in his/her underpants on a cr@p laptop drinking bovril. bob.
  10. ....slow down fellas, i'm running out of popcorn here!! bob.
  11. now now boys & girls. play nice! bob.
  12. you must be thinking of someone else. I don't even know who you are. you are a nobody. bob.
  13. sorry, but I don't feel the same about you Mr./Mrs insignificant! bob.
  14. I will obviously keep going past Christmas. You don't need to hang on my every word, gotfiddle! bob.
  15. troll away, fellas. bob.
  16. christ, that's enough to derail anyone! bob.
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