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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. funny you should mention this, i once heard exactly the same thing from a doctor at a bar who was on holiday in Koh samui with his family. i was worried about my drinking, i asked him does he think im drinking too much and he said you have more chance of getting struck by lightning than dieing from drinking beer every day. so there you have it! straight from the horses mouth..
  2. its ok m8. im on it now so may as well open the floodgates! ????
  3. i'm still not sure that i am an alcoholic tbh. i just did 3 days without a drop, no shakes, no withdrawl, no depression. i just enjoy the taste of beer and it relaxes me. if there is one thing i hate its getting drunk/hungover the next day. i'm a daily, slow drinker. if you know what i mean. doesnt mean im not an addict but i dont reqally feel like one.
  4. but isnt whiskey/rum full of calories too? seems every time i have a night out on the whiskey i put on weight the morning after. unless i get paraletic on it, then i loose weight but that is a rarity these days! honest! ????
  5. the beers is open and in my glass. sobriety can kiss my a** ????
  6. could you elaborate? what is the difference?
  7. if you dont mind me asking, how much was he drinking a day? i average around 4/5 small bottles of light beer daily.
  8. wish i could m8, i get paranoid off it so i leave it alone. no issues with anyone else lighting up in my presence tho!
  9. how many people actually get cirrosis of the liver and die from booze? i was surrounded by hard drinkers as a kid and not a single one of them died from liver failure. in fact most of them are still alive now, well into their 80s and still drinking.
  10. just wine and whiskey then? ????
  11. but i'm trying to stay off it for a few days. i've managed 3 days so far but the temptation is really strong now. i have 3 cold beers just sitting in the fridge, looking at me square in the face every time i go for a sip of water. what is a man to do really? the weather is lovely and ive got my music on. im keeping myself busy on other projects to try and take my mind off the booze but its hard. life is rather dull without a drink, its the truth isnt it? any advice on what to do? i dont really want to drink them as im trying to lose a bit of weight in the process but i know sooner or later them bottles will be drunk.
  12. really????? gosh, i didnt know that! it's not like they mention it to us all the time or anything ????
  13. the racism and xenophobia in this country is truly astounding. they are terrified of us blue eyed boys. lock up your daughters, put barbed wire fencing around your homes and arm yourselves to the teeth, the farangs are coming for 1 rai of grass and mud!!!!
  14. They certainly got their knickers in a twist about this ????
  15. true. and most in the hospitality industry deserve it to be honest. good service is virtually non existent here.
  16. if that day ever comes then so be it. let's face it, there are many better places to live than here. Thailand is not the be all and end all!!
  17. you are obviously an intelligent guy, gecko. it's just a crying shame that your knowledge and opinions on this topic are totally misguided. it's kind of disappointing.
  18. wow. im glad im not your friend!
  19. he isnt as rich as he lets on, but he can buy me, you and pretty much every single girl in thailand.
  20. i certainly dont agree with tates view that all thai women are ugly, that just isnt true. however, its true that sex is easy here. too easy for tate obviously, the guys got game.
  21. andrew tate spitting some home truths that im sure i few members here will not like!
  22. does it matter? ive been everywhere in thailand and its pretty much the same story all over.
  23. ooh matron! ????
  24. no chance. cant stand um!
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