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Everything posted by degrub

  1. A trick to keep the accordion plastic seal flexible longer is to take a dab of Vaseline and thinly coat both inside and outer surfaces.
  2. Good design practice for hydrogen releases inside structures with roofs is to use a ridge vent design where the ridge of the roof is removed and a β€œhat” is placed over the opening with a few cm of gap to allow the hydrogen to naturally flow out of the structure. With open soffits under the roof edge, a thermosiphon can be established to further aid hydrogen escape. Confined hydrogen is a good way to suddenly disassemble a structure πŸ˜‰
  3. I was thinking about the annual flood events that @Crossy tracks rather than more esoteric causes πŸ˜‰
  4. How far above grade do you have to mount the cells for flood risk ?
  5. If the wrong hose/tubing breaks, the hydraulic fluid reservoir can empty. Possible damage from hard landings, poor maintenance or inspection among other causes leading up to the failure. AVHerald or one of the other aviation safety sites should have something on their website in the near future.
  6. And gives us something to look forward to each week !
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