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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Who was responsible for the website listing ? If the finance company, then maybe go after them for fraud if there is a statute that covers this case for the cost of the land and legal fees, etc. Otherwise, chalk it up to experience and walk away. Is there a squatters law that allows someone to take possession of a property after occupying it for a number of years ? Given he is headman, eviction just sounds like an opportunity for revenge by making things as difficult as possible if someone moves there.
  2. Go see a cardiologist! tell him/her everything. Ask @Sheryl for a recommendation if you don’t already know someone nearby. triple bypass survivor
  3. If you get a stress test, either treadmill or nuclear, and there is indication of heart issues, particularly artery blockage, a coronary angiography with catheterization gives them the ability to treat blockages found with angioplasty with or without installing stents.. otherwise, if you don’t set up the catheterization, you get to do it again doubling the amount of radiation received. And since it is done with only good pain meds, you can watch the whole thing on wide screen tv.
  4. 1 microfarad caps kept everyone on their toes.
  5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/beta-blockers/art-20044522 and Valsartin https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/valsartan-oral-route/description/drg-20067355
  6. Where’s the crank ? 😀
  7. Are the breaker wire clamps specific for Al wire ? i understand that if not, they need routine tightening and the conductor may tend to creep.
  8. Not sure i follow everything you wrote, but sounds like a leak to earth. 8 amps is a lot of current for nothing connected/ on. Any chance L and N are reversed going to the shed ?
  9. Time for the monsoon to dribble away, far away.
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