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Everything posted by degrub

  1. You can get a thunderbolt 3 or 4 external multiple drive case with power supply that uses sata drives. Your new motherboard probably has a TB 3 or 4 connection on the back panel. external direct attached storage DAS will be faster than a gigabit network connection. But if you are playing music, the bit rate can be handled by USB 2 😉
  2. Get a 3.5 in. usb3 case for it and plug in . Just make sure the usb port can provide enough 5v power and you don’t need 12 v power also. or set it upside down in the bottom of the case or on top of something in the front cages. Just make sure the electronics side of the drive is facing up and they don’t t touch anything.
  3. Cold spare for the inevitable 😉
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