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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Try the Traditional Farmer Diet then - 12 hrs out in the fields working - 1,000 calories of food for the day
  2. Not enough cpu for general purpose linux, even cmd line only. And you would hate the loss of graphic screen interface. Maybe someone has compiled a distro for the S3 ?
  3. Waterlogged - https://waterdefense.org/water/well/waterlogged-pressure-tank/ Alternative to variable speed drive would be to use a recirculation flow back to the storage tanks controlled by a pressure regulator. Pump motor could be two speed design to reduce electric consumption from recycle flow and pressure bump. Basically, a less expensive variable speed motor. More expensive to operate. Need extra control logic to prevent pump from staying on and just recycling although should be able to handle by undersizing the recycle valve. The issue is the centrifugal pump head versus flow curve is usually flat near 0 flow, max head pressure, so the flow goes from 0 to 50+% design flow without much change in head pressure. High pressure switch may not trip the pump when recycle is flowing.
  4. Variable speed motors driving the pumps simplifies the controls at the expense of higher initial cost. And stage the pump on demanded operation so both don’t run unless needed. Multi pump controller should be able to use equivalent to pump curves to manage the combined operation and avoid sudden bumps in flow or pressure at the users. Need to figure out a design max flow case ( assumed number and type of users one at one time ) to avoid the superbowl commercials effect on pressure. if that is a bladder pressure buffer tank, best to keep one in the system to ride out short demand spikes. As Crossy suggested, the existing one may be waterlogged. They require minimal, but routine , maintenance. Also, if it makes sense, consider reworking the pump piping so that one pump can run independently in the event you have to work on the other. The system will be at reduced capacity, but for a hotel, having some supply could be beneficial.
  5. And the OP is already used to the lesser resolution and quality of a an old tv with av input only. My old Sony trinitron tube from the early 1980s actually looks remarkably good with the downsampled and converted signal. It is different from the digital signal used now, but resolution isn’t the be all end all.
  6. I currently have a 4k bluray outputting over hdmi to a hdmi to av (480i) converter thence to the av inout on the tv with no issues other than mild picture quality as would be expected. the converter is Mini HDMI2AV i can upload picture later if needed. Available on Amazon here, but from PRC so should be available.
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