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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Is this an issue that was not there, then appeared suddenly after a change in the house electrical - something was added or changed ? Or was this present from the beginning- initial construction ? is this issue present no matter if it has rained or not ? you say it gets better when the doorbell and outside lights are turned off or is it when they are physically disconnected from power ? How and where are those physically connected to the oven wiring ? i would think that the oven would/should have dedicated wiring from the breaker box to the oven with the only cross connect at the N buss bar and Safety Earth buss in the breaker box. Does the oven require 3 wires (L,L2, N) or 4 (L, L2, N, S) by design ? either way, it sounds to me ( not an electrician and US based, Thailand is not the same electrical implementation), like the Neutral or possibly safety earth has been crossed with a Neutral return somewhere or a Load supply. Has anyone measured the voltage differences between L-S, N-S, L-N, L2-S, L2-N at the wall connection with the oven physically disconnected ? if the outdoor lights and doorbell were somehow spliced into what should be a dedicated circuit for the oven…… could be a nail or screw, cut in wire insulation within conduit, device fault, a miswiring, etc. just some ideas.
  2. Reading your original post again, oven works when not safety earthed, no trip and trips when earth is connected ( to frame i assume), it would appear there is a fault or leakage to frame ? Do all of the other surveyed working ovens have a safety earth connected ? Do i understand correctly that there is no issue if the safety earth is disconnected from the oven ? Either that or the circuit is overloaded as indicated by the statement that removing the doorbell and outside lights “helps” ?
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