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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Sometimes changing shoes can do it. Or just plain overuse. If it is constant and no other changes than the one episode of additional walking, then i would go see a foot dr to get xrays and see if need orthotic shoe inserts to provide better support. I have had planter fasciitis before that feels like a knife in the middle of the foot. Anti-inflammatories, rest , and orthotics fixed it after a few months. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/plantar-fasciitis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354851 With overuse, there is a chance there is a stress fracture in one of the bones.
  2. You need a daily dose per what my dr said. It really doesn’t matter much that you dont get the cut exactly right according to him. It would be better, of course. Just have your dr check again in a few weeks or month to see if 10 mg/ day is doing the job. The feeling in your feet sounds like a neuropathy or arthritis. Did it start after starting the statin or other drug ? Or has it been developing over time irrespective of medicine ?
  3. Not supposed to make 90 degree turns at 30 knots, 10 knots is normal. Either landed long (160 knots normal for this type) or pilots did not get the plane’s speed down by the time they had to enter the turn. The last exit is not a high speed exit for this runway so they have to slow down a lot to make the turn. Costs fuel and a little time to accelerate back to normal taxi speed.
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