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Everything posted by degrub

  1. A couple links from asus and microsoft just to make sure that something has not been overlooked. https://www.asus.com/us/support/faq/1015070 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/asus-vivobook-15-audio-and-microphone-not-working/4ded75cc-05e9-46e6-948c-a45678906e3e if the speaker inside just makes a fuzzy sound or rattles it may have a diaphragm failure. In that case, using external speakers should work and avoid repair cost. The mic and speaker may be on a sub board that can be easily replaced by a tech. If part is on main board, it may be time to look at a new model.
  2. Sometimes the windows sound mixer and the realtek or other sound control app will get confused as to who is in control. You have to check the volume settings in both for the specific speaker/mic software output. A usb dac should get around any hardware issues. If not, sounds like windows issue. how old is your laptop ?
  3. If you have and spare usb 2 or 3 port, then a headset with usb powered DAC should solve your issue. the other thing to try is see if the laptop support page has a audio driver to download. Sometimes as part of the monthly updates, windows will load its own drivers on top of the vendors drivers and make a mess. It can also be patch in a library that breaks the oem drivers. Reloading to most recent from the vendor may restore function. or you have a hardware issue.
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