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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Mine do not vanish. I have to delete all. aThe bolded notices are not changing to normal text either after viewing and clicking on the bell again. iPad OS, latest version 16 Firefox browser, latest.
  2. Keep up on the pain meds. Don’t try to tough it out, once pain is high it is hard to bring back down. Been there. That little lung inflator gizmo works a treat. Do it every hour you are awake. Gets your lung capacity back to normal sooner and prevents partial collapse. Hurts like hell sometimes. Busted ribs are the worst. Any sign of fever, hot foot it back to the ER. Cavity infections are tough to get rid of and sepsis is too easy. Glad you survived and get better soon !
  3. The second picture from the top is what didn’t seem to fit the water flow theory to me. The stalks seem to be flattened towards the ridge row, including the ones along the edge. I don’t know. I’d be interested to understand how that pattern could happen. The rest of the pictures, certainly water flow could be the culprit. My experience is with winter wheat when an early thunderstorm comes rolling through close to harvest. Sometimes the whole field is flattened, sometimes little bits of it.
  4. Here is a picture i found online with similar impact attributed to wind. https://www.dreamstime.com/rice-fields-damaged-winds-image200409799 there are some others if you browse. Heavy rain plus the down draft could easily do it to a grain heavy stalk. I have seen similar in the US midwest when storms rolled over a field with ripe winter wheat close to harvest.
  5. IMO, looks like microbursts from thunderstorms with or without hail. Either that or some teenagers with a log .
  6. >> lkely you have either 1) air bubbles, and/or 2) dust/dirt / sanding debris from between coats. You will have to sand it out again lightly and recoat. You may have to take it back to bare wood if really bad.
  7. But the “view new content “ is still golden 😊
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