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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Slow, very slow with Win 10. Add 8 GB memory and maybe replace drive with ssd or just add as min. for OP use case, 8th gen i7 or i5 with 16 GB and nvme OS drive + hdd drives as needed would be my suggestion.
  2. I saw a photograph online recently that showed many upward electrical discharge leaders from structures trying to connect with the discharge coming down from the cloud. Very cool photo. The air terminals only attempt to guide the high current discharge around the structure. They do appear to have an effect at preventing or reducing damage. In Franklin’s day, the fire insurance payouts were reported to have decreased after church steeples were outfitted with earthed air terminals. It may have been just the presence of the earthing wire at the tip of the steeple and not the air terminal itself that made the difference. In chemical plants and refineries, we go to great efforts to ensure that the steel structures and equipment are adequately bonded to earth through the foundations and through connected earthing rods or grids. This is an attempt to ensure the the ground potential and the potential at the tip of the structure are the same - as if there was no structure there. It also ensures a path to earth that can handle high currents. However, tall structures, poking up into the atmosphere can distort and compress the shape of an electric field forming above the earth due to a storm cloud in the area possibly increasing the chance of a hit. Not that a cloud discharge will hit there every time, but higher odds though. Just look at the lightning protection towers in place around rocket launch facilities in Florida used to reduce the odds of a hit to the rocket.
  3. Had 3 strikes within 1-2 years about a decade ago, all within 100 ft of the house. Took out two trees and a transformer + neighbor’s electronics. Convinced me to add MOVs at the main breaker panel in addition to all of the UPSs and surge protected plug bars. The upper Texas Gulf coast is second only to Florida in likelihood of getting hit. Benjamin Franklin was one of the earliest to figure out a way the reduce the chance of church steeples getting a strike that would destroy them by installing air-terminals directly connected to earth thus providing a mimimim resistance path to earth and diverting the 30-100,000 amps of current around the building. They are not 100% effective. here is a link to a basic explanation https://stormhighway.com/protection.php
  4. I would vote for the Shera board for insulating as well. Non-combustible, which can be important around batteries and wiring. EVA foams melt at moderate temperatures (130 - 200 C) and are combustible if exposed to flame. Polycarbonate sheet should be better than acrylic due to its scratch resistance, higher melt point, and impact resistance,
  5. Commercial solar farms would use motorized tracking as there would be payback versus the maintenance and extra capital required. For a home user, it should be simpler , less costly, and less maintenance to add panels on fixed mounts as is commonly done to capture the additional peak time.
  6. That’s what all the green/yellow wire bonding jumpers are meant to address - when you have to isolate with nonconductive components for mechanical reasons.
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