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Everything posted by AddyA

  1. Oh, go on then, here's a little something to chew over. The data is easy to fact check for anyone who doubts it.
  2. 1979? That's not even a nanosecond. You need to go a lot further back than that if you're compare global temperatures. How about providing some chart data from before the industrial revolution. That's when the human muck really started to hit the proverbial climate fan, right?
  3. Most of the "WARNING! Meat May/Might/Could…." studies with attention-grabbing headlines are funded by billionaires. They are the people heavily invested in plant-based food production, especially synthetic, heavily processed fake meat made from vegan pea protein granules. All these so-called studies are epidemiological (observational) and do not show causation. Observational data in and of itself is junk research and has no place in the public domain. Scientists are supposed to use it to potentially generate hypothesis, not pass on weak associations as potential dangers to media outlets. But they do! AVOID REAL FOOD! It's ironic that—according to researchers—certain real foods have become harmful to human health, such as meats, eggs, fish, poultry, etc. Well, look what happened to the peoples of the world after the dietary guidelines suggested low-fat, low-cholesterol, as the way forward. How's that working out for your waistline? WHO CONTROLS THE NARRATIVE? What most people don't realize is that the the powerful plant-based lobbyist control what you see, hear, and read. Studies that disagree with their vested interests are buried so deep that they never see the light of day. For example, how many of you reading here know anything about the study below? Not many, that's for sure, but it deserves as much publicity as sensational headlines controlled by those invested in and pushing the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle. THE HARVARD CARNIVORE DIET STUDY In 2020, a team of researchers at Harvard University conducted the first mainstream study on the carnivore diet. The study surveyed over 2000 carnivore dieters. And the findings were published on 2 November 2021 in Current Developments in Nutrition. NATIONALITY 64% of participants were from the United States and Canada, 11% from Europe, and 8% from Australia. SEX Two-thirds of the participants were male. One-third were female. AGE Participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 85. The median age was 44. WEIGHT Participant body weight ranged from 38 kg to 176 kg (84 lb to 388 lb). The median weight was 76 kg (168 lb.) CHANGES IN HEALTH STATUS 95% improved overall health 91% improved hunger/food cravings 89% improved energy 85% improved mental clarity 83% improved focus 78% improved strength 76% improved endurance 69% improved sleep 69% improved chronic disease 66% improved memory HOW CHRONIC CONDITIONS CHANGED 98% improved or resolved diabetes and insulin resistance 97% improved or resolved gastrointestinal conditions 96% improved or resolved musculoskeletal issues 96% improved or resolved psychiatric symptoms 93% improved or resolved overweight/obesity 93% improved or resolved hypertension 92% improved or resolved urologic issues 92% improved or resolved dermatologic issues 89% improved or resolved autoimmune conditions 84% improved or resolved cardiovascular issues HOW MEDICATION USE CHANGED 100% discontinued other diabetes injectables 92% discontinued insulin for type 2 diabetes altogether 90% discontinued or decreased insulin 84% discontinued oral diabetes medications. IN CONCLUSION Shhhhhhh! There's no big money in a proper human diet or profits for big pharama who treat your factory food-born obesity and associated illnesses.
  4. Well, some might argue that it's time to change the narrative and start spreading NEW information. It's just a thought. Only this time, the information is based on a "bucketful of stats" that oppose the notion. TAKE IT AWAY PROF…. As Professor Homburg argues in the video above (published only a few days ago), COVID-19 was not a serious public health threat. Thus, the government's response was based on fear-mongering and total misinformation. I think that applies to all governments that followed the advice of the non-elected elite organizations. I'm referring to the bodies telling world governments how best to control their populace. YOU CAN'T ALL BE RIGHT…. RIGHT? Professor Homburg produces his findings based on HARD EVIDENCE. He cites data showing that hospital admissions, deaths, and other metrics were not significantly higher than normal during the pandemic. I know the UK hospitals were turned into ghost towns—you know, just in case! There was no room at the inn unless your illness was C19-related. Anyway, the Professor also criticizes his government's response to the pandemic, saying it was based on fear-mongering and misinformation. Many of the AN critical thinkers suspected the same of their respective governments. Specifically, Homburg makes the following claims: FACT: Hospital admissions in Germany fell to a historic low in 2020. FACT: There were no more severe respiratory illnesses in 2020 and 2021 than in previous years. FACT: Deaths in 2020 were not higher than normal, and the increase in deaths in 2021 was due to other factors, such as an influenza pandemic. FACT: People who died with or from COVID-19 were, on average, 83 years old, which is the same age as the average death rate in Germany. FACT: Sweden, which did not implement strict lockdown measures, fared better than Germany during the pandemic. Homburg goes on to say that the pandemic would not have even been noticed without the PCR tests. In summary, these are all things the COVID Skeptics on AN have been saying for the past few years, only to be ridiculed, suspended, and laughed at. THE TRANSNATIONAL ELITE RULE ROCK I wonder how many pro-everything COVID remain adamant and believe the above findings are a load of old b*llocks. And if yes, perhaps they could partake in an intelligent and good-natured debate to explain to the COVID skeptics why they think they're right. But to do that, they must also explain why they feel Professor Homburg (and others like him) are still wrong.
  5. The Health Ministry is right to debunk the New Year cancellation over the XBC Covid variant scare as fake news. With so many post-COVID reports and leaks coming to light, I doubt any democratic government would dare to bring back the draconian laws of the past. For years, a few critical thinkers on AN have highlighted the scaremongering tactics of the global elite. In contrast, others laughed and continue to mock, shouting things through their screens such as ANTI-VAXXER, and FLAT EARTHER, or outright CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. Well, as the bold and brave emerge in increasing numbers, those who think the draconian measures were worthwhile and for the good of humanity might want to rethink their narrative. COVID MADNESS THAT NEVER HAD TO HAPPEN! Below is a video by Professor Homburg that is fresh out of Germany. He's discussing the COVID Madness at the German Bundestag (Parliament).
  6. Negative Health Effects of Wearing Masks According to Research, 2021 Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards? By Kai Kisielinski, Paul Giboni, Andreas Presche, Bernd Klosterhalfen, David Graessel, Stefan Funken, Oliver Kempski and Oliver Hirsch. Here's a summary from the said paper, but feel free to read it in its entirety: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4344 This study analyzes 65 scientific papers on the negative health effects of wearing masks. 44 of these papers demonstrate statistically significant negative effects, including, but not limited to the following: PHYSICAL: Elevated blood carbon dioxide (CO2): This can lead to headaches, respiratory irritation, increased blood pressure, and heart rate. Decreased blood oxygen saturation (SpO2): This can cause fatigue, confusion, and impaired thinking. Increased heart rate Increased respiratory rate Skin temperature rise under the mask Difficulty breathing Dizziness Listlessness Impaired thinking Concentration problems PSYCHOLOGICAL: Confusion Decreased thinking ability Disorientation Impaired cognitive abilities Decreased psychomotoric abilities OTHER: Interference with temperature regulation Impaired field of vision Impaired non-verbal and verbal communication These negative effects are observed with all types of masks, including surgical, N95, and community masks. The study concludes that wearing masks can have long-term health consequences, even if the effects are not immediately noticeable. Key Points: 44 out of 65 studies found statistically significant negative effects of wearing masks. Negative effects include increased CO2, decreased SpO2, increased heart rate, respiratory rate, and skin temperature, as well as fatigue, confusion, and impaired thinking. Masks can negatively impact cognitive abilities, temperature regulation, vision, and communication. Long-term health consequences of mask-wearing are possible There will still be some that refute the findings in this study, but umm... well...., y' know!
  7. Here are a few pics for those of you who are interested. Nat Motors did a fantastic job, but it cost more than I'd initially planned. That's because I kept suggesting we swap even more new parts. Anyway, the engine seems to have a bit more torque than before. The fuel economy seems better as well. I reckon this ol' gal will be around long after I pop my socks. First, here's how she looked at the start of the tart-up And here is how my revamped 17-year-old Honda Wave looks now.
  8. The original message was that the vaccine would stop you contracting and spreading the virus. Some might say that was misleading information to get folks jabbed. Other might see it as fake news.
  9. It doesn't have to be like that. There would be fewer unwanted pregnancies if the religious flocks followed common sense instead of the man upstairs. Yes or no? Even that bloke in Rome told the Filipinos to stop breeding like rabbits. Yet, woe betide anyone who dares to use contraception as a sensible precaution. Scientists refer to humans as the Great Apes, though I would remove the adjective. Credible source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30890989
  10. The question people need to ask themselves is this: Are boosters in the public interest or is the real boost here to BIG PHARMA profits? Only those who study all sides of the conversation are qualified to respond, of course. Unless I'm being naive, in which case you must correct me.
  11. So, why is Pfizer going to QUADRUPLE the price of its COVID vaccines next year after already making insane profits? Well, it's probably because the ethical, caring company needs more money to invest in research. After all, a slight increase of just $2.5 billion to $3 billion in annual revenue is sure to be great for shareholders those desperate to get the latest life-saving jab. Thank you, BIG PHARMA, we love you, and our life depends on you and your devotion to our wellbeing, which we know you place ahead of profits. And we appreciated it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Highly credible source: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-covid-vaccine-price-hike-seen-giving-revenue-boost-years-2022-10-21/ Expect others to follow shortly.
  12. Simple, BM2. You Spoil your ballot. That's akin to saying, 'NONE OF THE ABOVE.' One shouldn't really complain about a government unless they participated in the election process. There are plenty of non-voters bitching about the Brexit disaster. Well, if they'd got off their big fat flabby backsides and made their mark on the day, then perhaps it would never have happened.
  13. Ain't that the truth! The award-winning British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, is on the record for saying too much medicine is killing us. He said, and I quote... "We have an overmedicated population with a total lack of transparency in the prescription of drugs." I believe the situation is even worse in the US, where some would say the drug companies are killing for profit. Indeed, a 2018 report published in the peer-reviewed medical trade journal, The BMJ, has this to say: "Drug companies are incentivized to profit, not to improve health." But umm... most people don't want to know the truth. Credible source #1: https://doctoraseem.com/too-much-medicine/ Credible source #2: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4351 2
  14. How about ignore the quack who said you only have six months to live? If we've learned anything from the last couple of years, it's how utterly wrong and misleading the advice has been from the so-called experts.
  15. That's another beauty, roo860. Looks super comfortable, too. I want to stay under 100,000 for an older model, if I can as I already have two smaller bikes to care for. I'm prepared to wait for the right one to come along. That said, it would be nice to have something beefy now that the high season has begun. I agree about the Pirelli Diabalo Rossos. I even put them on my cheap Chinese bike ????
  16. Yes, this is what I've been hearing a lot, roo860.
  17. I agree, too. Maintenance and personal care are critical. I even put Pirelli Diablo Rosso tires on my cheap Chinese bike, which made a world of difference. Never miss an oil change, either. Even my 17-year-old Honda Wave is immaculate both in appearance and running. Only a biker would understand this love for two wheels ????
  18. If any other Kawasaki ER6N 650 owners can add to KhaoYai's observations, please let me know. For example, what should I look for—or look out for—when I go to view these bikes? Asking the seller it it's as good as it looks in the photos is a bit shallow. Thanks, in advance.
  19. Thank you, KhaoYai; great response, as usual ???? I was a bit of a lunatic in my teens, too. My Suzuki 250 X7 on L-plates put me in hospital for five months. I calmed down when I passed my test and started to ride bigger bikes. There didn't seem to be a need to show off anymore. I've also been riding bikes in Thailand for 20 years. I took a Honda 954, Yamaha R1, and a bunch of other big bikes through the streets of Bangkok many times. I haven't had an accident yet, but I am never complacent and constantly vigilant. Thanks for pointing out the bars and an after-market pipe. These are not things I would have picked up on, so great advice ????
  20. I wish those who report grim facts would please take the time to include which demographic suffers most in these COVID updates. Now, it shouldn't come as any surprise that Singaporeans are at high risk of infection. Everyone knows they are unfit and unwell due to poor lifestyle choices. In fact, estimates suggest that 400,000 Singaporeans already have diabetes in this tiny nation. And one-third of those don't even know they have the condition. Plus, people with diabetes are much more vulnerable to severe illness after they get coronavirus than healthy folks. Hence the rise in hospitilizations. Source #1: https://www.singhealth.com.sg/rhs/keep-well/War-on-Diabetes Source #2: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html
  21. This one has come up for sale in the Chiang Mai Buy & Sell Facebook page, KhaoYai. It's a 2014 model, but it's not as attractive as the one in Bangkok. It also has higher mileage and a higher price tag. All that said, I haven't ruled it out just yet.
  22. Thank you, KhaoYai. That's an impressive looking machine you've got there. I had no idea these bikes were so popular, but I'm beginning to see why. I still find it hard to believe that a 2011 model only has 12K on the clock. I'm assuming it's been used periodically to stop the parts ceasing up. Here's a like to the ad in case anyone's interested. It's still for sale as of this morning. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1556621254618029/posts/3466184323661703/
  23. Great post; thank you, MrFill. I hear a lot about the reliability of this bike, which is reassuring. And I was going to look into fuel consumption and torque later today, but you beat me to it. Having a bit of decent torque makes riding the Chaing Mai loops a lot more fun ????
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