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Everything posted by AddyA

  1. I've been using Dashalne free for years without isssues.
  2. @poppysdad It's always helpful to have and use a credit card. You never know when you might need it. Plus, it will help you maintain a healthy credit score. Get someone at your UK correspondence address to send you a UK sim card. Then, pop the sim into a dual-SIM mobile. That's it; there's your UK number in Thailand. Are you sure about the landline? I think 20-30% of UK households don't even bother with them anymore. Ask them to call you on your mobile instead. Either that or have someone at the correspondence address take the call for you. After all, it will only be a 10-second call to confirm the number on the application.
  3. Excellent points, thank you, FF. I don't plan to record audio, but I'd better factor that in, just in case there are times when I wish I had. I've read about short battery life. One of my bikes has a USB port, but that would mean a cable from the helmet to the dash, which sounds a tad awkward. Perhaps a memory bank is a better alternative than carrying around a bunch of batteries? As for the rain, I tend to go on trips with little chance of bad weather. And I certainly wouldn't be riding and recording in a downpour. Some really good tips there, FF, so thanks for taking the time to post them ????
  4. Thanks, FF, that's useful ????
  5. Life without some risk would result in a pretty futile existence; I would imagine, scubascuba3. The risk of dying in a motorcycle accident is at least 57 greater than dying in a car accident, and that's if you're fully kitted up. Yet still we do it, like we climb mountains, jump out of airplanes, rock climb, ad infinitum. All we can do is exercise best practices to mitigate those risks. So, I personally wouldn't avoid the helmet cam in the highly unlikely event it's going to kill me. But each to their own ????
  6. That's fascinating, Randell; I had no idea you could do that with 360 videos. The three screens are too much to look at for extended periods, but like the 360 views, it would make an interesting addition to road trip footage in places. I checked the guy's channel for GOPRO, but it doesn't look like he's reviewed any. He has reviewed a DJI OSMO Action, and that looked pretty good. Alas, it seems that it's a discontinued model as nowhere has any new ones in stock.
  7. I tend to agree. If you want to record a nice trip through the twisties, the 360 perspective is a strange way to view things and would soon become boring. But I can see its appeal as an addition to regular footage, but not as the entire recording
  8. No YouYube channel for me, Hummin. Just some nice quality videos to share with family and friends. I agree about the helmet mount as the camera sees whatever you see. However, I notice some people attach the mount to the top of the helmet while others have it to the side. Is that a reason for that, or does it depend on the helmet?
  9. In this comparison, the Sony camera has beautiful quality video and wins hands down. But is it a fair comparison for 2022, Hummin? The GoPro in the vid is the HERO4 Black, and it doesn't have image stabilization, according to the specs. One would assume each GOPRO upgrade is an improvement on the last. And the latest model is the GoPro HERO 10 Black, which boasts 5.3K 60FPS and HyperSmooth image stabilization. Also, the Sony FDR-X3000 seems to be a discontinued model as I haven't been able to find a new one advertised anywhere. However, a new GoPro HERO10 Black is readily available and retails at around 16000 THB. The GoPro HERO9 also has HyperSmooth image stabilization for about 3,000 THB less, so maybe that's just as good if all one wants is a helmet cam. I don't know much about any of these things, hence starting this conversation, but it's interesting to hear the views and opinions of others ????
  10. Good evening, Forum. Does anyone know if there is a market for mint-condition cheapish compact Micro Four Thirds cameras in Thailand? I bought a Panasonic DC-GF10, and it's the most confusing piece of electronics I've ever owned. There are just too many bells and whistles going on in its menus. I should have bought a point & bloody shoot, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. I'm not overly bothered to sell it, but it does seem a waste to have it sitting on the shelf doing nothing month in and month out. I'm hoping to get an action camera for the motorbike before the high season, so if I can make a few Baht on this one, then I should at least consider it. Thanks in advance.
  11. I'm not sure, either, but am open to suggestions.
  12. Interesting, but not sure it's the format I want, but I can see the appeal ????
  13. Thanks BTB1977. Got a quick clip you'd care to share?
  14. Good morning, folks. Sorry for the delay but I was banned for 24 hours. Apparently, I used a disallowed noun in one of my posts. I had no idea there were restrictions on freedom of expression in a "public forum," so I'll stay out of news updates from now on to avoid future bans. Thank you for your posts. I'm just curious about the Sony FDR-X3000, Hummin. It doesn't look like a regular tiny action camera, so how would one mount that on a helmet? KhunLa, I've watched plenty of reviews, but all the reviewers are promoting the products, so obviously their pros outweigh the cons. That's why I'm asking for personal recommendations from folks who are actually using or have used their cameras in the last 12–24 months, Thanks, in advance.
  15. Hello, Fellow Bikers. I want a helmet camera for motorcycle touring in the high season. I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos, but it's hard to know what to believe, seeing as the reviewers are affiliates of the products they endorse. That said, GoPros seem to be the go-to camera for most bikers in terms of video quality, stability, etc. But I'm totally green and overwhelmed by the different opinions, to be honest. So if any bikers here are already set up and happy with their equipment, I'd love to hear your first-hand account on the pros and cons of whatever it is you use. Thank you.
  16. Thank you for setting me straight. I should probably read here more often for medical updates. Righto then, I shall join the afriad and try not to listen to the so-called "experts" who spout things like... "Monkeypox does not spread easily between humans and requires close contact." According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." Source.
  17. Well, shame on WHO. Because most cases of monkeypox are mild and clear up without treatment. Unless I've missed an update over the past few days? But if the above is true, medical experts have a duty to emphasize the low risk and mild symptoms before they inform of worst case scenarios.
  18. You forgot to use the words "potential," "uncommon," and "extremely rare" in your post. These words seem to be omitted a lot these days with disease reporting. One might argue that it installs a healthy fear in the reader; others may disagree.
  19. One would assume a "creator" would have created an end product, much like a watchmaker. Not something that takes billions of years to evolve from almost nothing, only to then become extinct at the end of it all. I mean, what the heck is that all that about? Nar, I think you will find that life is more a series of chemical accidents and lots of biological mutations over time. But what do I know? Well, probably as much as anyone else with an opinion on the subject.
  20. No probs. I wasn't trying to catch you out, but pull you up. I was in a Boots store only today, but decided to go elsewhere because of the higher price of the wanted item.
  21. I've noticed a lot of people quoting medical doctors and various medical bodies about the efficacy of masks. I'm just curious, is there no such thing as an actual expert in PPE? And if there is, what is the name for such a person? And why don't we see more quotes from them? Is it because it's not a specialist field in and of itself? Doctors are disease experts, or at least to the point where they can recognize a thing and refer the patient to a specialist if needs be. But physicians often give nutritional advice, too, even though they're not qualified as nutritionists. But such advice is better coming from a nutritionist, If you see my point? So, when it comes to any issues on any topic, would it not be wise to track down the real experts if they exist? By that, I mean those who actually study the said topic rather than trusting someone's word just because they're a respected "expert" in something.
  22. There were around There are 277 Boots health stores in Thailand five years ago. One would assume that number has since grown some. OK, so you won't find one on every street corner, but I would imagine they're easy to find in most of Thailand's glossy malls these days.
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