First property I have cost just 1050000 15 years ago it's paid off rents are $16250 per month the second one I paid 850000 10 years ago that's paid off rents are $12500 per month operating costs for both property's is 1k per month all triple net cam leases strong tenants with renewable leases every 10 years Hope that helps
Never invested into the stock market just couldn't grasp the idea I did invest into commercial real estate much safer and has always given a great return
Having the in-laws bathrooms remodeled the demo guy is telling me it's okay to leave areas of cement on the walls. He says when he tiles he will smooth it out I don't think that is possible
Unfortunately when a background check is done in America it's going to show up Did you plead guilty ? Was the Judge kind enough to give you a continuance with out a finding if you stayed out of trouble fir 6 months
Opening hours for bars, malls, and many other venues could be shrunk to save electricity, according to the Thai Energy Ministry
Something tells me electric cars just don't fit into this equation
We live in Hua Hin family of 3 with 4 more mooching off us , so 7 all together . House, cars paid for. We spend around 150 thousand Baht a month If I could just get rid of thr 4 free loaders Anyone have interest in my sister inlaw let me know
If you're looking for a legal means to stand your ground next time with the Police, This is not the country to try something like that Remember your not in Kansas anymore
We bought our house Direct from the owner found the house on a Facebook group .The experience we had with realtors was far worse than any used car salesman I ever delt with