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Posts posted by Northstar1

  1. 14 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    You may be right. Having said that, there are plenty of single Western females who seem to get along fine in cities such as Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.


    You've never heard of rape and murder in the Philippines? It's a violent and dangerous place, perhaps you should broaden your reading horizons.

    I have. Can you broaden my horizons and inform me on rape and murder of female tourists in the Philippines!

    such as in Thailand? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I would suggest Thailand and Vietnam are better choices.

    From what I have heard from people who have been to the Philippines, it is probably the most violent of the Asian countries, due to poverty and the proliferation of guns. A middle-aged foreign woman would be an easy target.

    Would you suggest ko Tau for a single female?

    I never heard of rape and murder in the Philippines!

  3. Vietnam is becoming the Silicon Valley of Asia. It has a much younger better educated population that isn’t afraid of work.

    I can actually carry on an educated conversation with a young Vietnamese person!

    not just 

    where u from?

    how long you come Thailand?

    u buy me drink?

    Many big tech companies are moving there to capitalize on the highly educated young population 

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Thomas KH said:

    Can anyone confirm that, if using an agent's services (such as those of Siam Legal), there is a reasonably high chance of success in opening an account with either Kasikorn or Bangkok Bank? I know someone who is here on a tourist visa and he tried to open an account in vain. EU-country passport, winter visits only, sole intention is to park some cash for future visits.


    Thank you. 

    I’m quite sure that a brown envelope is all you need , 

  5. You reap what you sew!

    send them all back!

    why would any country want them?

    33 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    But surely these Russian citizens fleeing war are the real McCoy. Proper refugees. Genuinely fleeing for their lives to a safe country that should be warmly welcoming them, not turning them back to possibly their deaths. Feeling quite disgusted with Finland today, I thought they were a progressive and welcoming country to those in dire situations?

    What are you smoking?

    welcome Russians?


    you certainly can’t be serious!

    close the borders!

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  6. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    i hope so 

    As a Ukrainian Canadian I can tell you I have no use for any Russian!

    nobody I have talked to in Canada, USA, Australia has any use for ANY Russian!

    even the mental midget of Moscow wouldn’t be so stupid as to pull any <deleted> that he is threatening, nato will respond in a devastating manner!

    russias military capabilities have already been drastically reduced, it’s been humiliating the way their military has performed!

    hopefully he gets neutralized by his own people before he sends more to their deaths.

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  7. On 6/27/2022 at 11:25 PM, BritManToo said:

    Had prostate problems in 2020, couldn't wee at all, catheter for 6 weeks, Doxazosin, Finasteride ..... for 2 years.

    Several courses of antibiotics (Norfloxstar 400), stinging nettle root every day. 

    Now in 2022 it's completely gone.

    I'm still taking the stinging nettle root pills.


    As for lack of libido,

    Chocolate milkshake every night sorts that out for me.

    1 heaped teaspoon in a glass of milk and blend  ...........




    A chocolate milkshake? Is this before or after a joint?

    your posts never surprise me, did they prescribe this remedy at the government hospitals you frequent?


    • Haha 1
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