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Everything posted by roietfortress

  1. 15 years up-country. i know squash? #
  2. as i have told my wife many times, i refuse to learn Thai because i don't want to know what my MIL is babbling on about all day ???? ignorance is bliss. i'll keep smiling and overpaying by a whole dollar... the point about foreigners in our home country is irrelevant. nowhere is like Thailand and no situation is comparable. #
  3. farang are the unwanted minority in Thailand. the only way to make yourself more accepted is smile all the time and overpay. maybe its different in the cities, but when i see my village shop keeper wearing a 30-year old homemade outfit, and eating flowers with sticky rice, i say mai tone tor. 100 baht for the 70 baht Leo - keep the change. i don't get beat up in my village. i was attacked at a nightclub once. sipping scotch watching the stage. some short little fat guy bumped into me. when i turned he swung and hit my jaw. i guess he wanted to see if he could take a farang. i grabbed his arm and he tried to push me to the ground. i lifted him up against the wall like a baby and hit him 3 times. then the bouncer pulled me off. i was lucky the little rats didn't pile on me. we mostly stay home. i prefer to drink alone anyway (yea with nobody else...) ???? #
  4. Don't all of those stories have a common denominator? Chinese don't get freedom just because they travel... I've never once felt unsafe in any city or village in Thailand. I'm from the US tho. That country is a total ghetto. #
  5. How many sober people did you see last week? Maybe the weeklong insane blow out party isn't the best idea for the country. #
  6. might be fastest route to your delicious laptop? ???? #
  7. could be food or other substances in/on your laptop. ant bites on the balls aren't fun XD #
  8. Isaan life is not Pattaya city boy life XD #
  9. depends where you live. not many "professional" services where we live ???? #
  10. i love that this is already on page 2. it shows how crazy the ant problem is in Thailand. i've sent at least 10 million ants to their next life. ARS is what we use. it comes in those little green containers. they sell it everywhere. when we got back to Thailand after 2 years forced holiday in the states, our house was overrun with ants. i put these green things in every room and it got rid of them within days. the ants take the poison back to their home and it kills the queen. great stuff. one issue i had is some of the ants are microscopic. so i crush up the little grains and put them on the end of our desks and under a placemat on the table. gotta feed the little ones too! ARS powder is great for outdoors around your buildings. i've wiped out huge colonies with that stuff. good luck and kill them all! #
  11. we ordered that Hooloo tabletop vape from Kondee420 for 3k (via Lazada) and it says delivery on the 20th. one negative review said it was just an "aroma diffuser" but i don't think they read the instructions. i guess we'll see.. #
  12. yea all the dry herb vapes are quite a big markup ???? heat coils are cheap. i'll probably build one. what else do i have to do all day? XD #
  13. i want a volcano. something that can sit on the desk. i cant find a dealer in-country tho. i thought about building. maybe rainy season project. i've used dry herb vapes for years. its cleaner but a lot more work. there's always a pile of discard somewhere. i dont know what they call this thing from lztoadofficial, but it looks sweet. #
  14. go to the cheap weed forum and look at all the links. home delivery to all provinces. we'll see what happens in May tho. #
  15. if the US govt can plant hundreds of FBI agents into Twitter and influence public opinion for years, imagine how many Thai officials are watching the largest farang social forum. Thai politics and elections are none of our business. This is not a free speech country. You can be sued for defamation for that thing you posted. At the very least take down your photo and use an alias. This is my opinion only and not based on any facts. Do as you will. #
  16. especially seeds. that was the hard part before last June. we've got a little seed bank going. and if you were one of the people who registered with the govt. better hide your grow good! #
  17. i took some pics during the unbagging. 10g of everything except full moon (2g). i think they got a lot better at growing and curing... #
  18. ok we got our monthly Lampang load with some new ones to try. here's what i think.. bruce banner - immediate trippy start, seeing things. good cerebral energy and sharpness. i'd say its a crackier green crack. smell reminds me of what we used to call kind bud in my younger years. mimosa cake - happy and relaxed with a bit of energy (no zombie). leafly says it treats depression, anxiety, ptsd. the pain in my neck went away. muscles relaxed. munchies after about 2 hours. blackberry - took it before bed and it put me into a deep sleep. i guess it worked. full moon night - fun little ride, light headed, visuals, no apparent medicinal effect. crash after about 30 minutes. well named as its probably good for a party. orange sherbet - no noticeable effect. might be mislabeled cbd or has low thc. sour diesel apple - no noticeable effect. might be mislabeled cbd or has low thc.. considering its not named sour diesel or sour apple, i'm not sure they know what it is. we got some of the Thai Stick A03 but haven't tried it yet. also stocked up on the GC as we do every month. mimosa cake will probably be added to the monthly order. if you want more details let me know. #cheers!
  19. Lampang farm has a new menu and pricing. we just ordered several new strains to try. will report when received and tested... here's the link until they take it down: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02aq5vxq8KSxPSQuTehX4rAfRq9UvY7yag9yS2VMguWjt9AY46nfxkeqPDt6rw8jipl&id=100068731157265 #
  20. Tanaosri is my favorite of the 4 government strains, although its a bit mellow. its stronger than squirrel at least. my favorite landrace so far is still Lampang green crack. Tanaosri is what i bought from BB too. i think they didn't properly dry it. i don't have any problems with a dozen other strains, some good, some local landrace. my oldest Lampang GC is from August and it still hits strong. #
  21. i just went thru about 2kg of stock and i found mold on the Bangya Bongz brick that was broken up and put in an airtight container. it had a boveda pack in it too lol. there's another unopened 100g brick from them in the freezer and it looks fine. we'll have to use it fast when we open it or grind the whole thing. the rest of the inventory looks fine. over a kg of Lampang GC from various months looks and smells great. they are stored in a room cooled during the day in a dark cabinet (with previously mentioned cedar balls). no more BB for me. thanks for the heads up! #
  22. i use cedar wood balls in my containers. i bought them for our closets and they work great for any type of humid situation. cigars and glove boxes too ???? they are a lot cheaper than boveda packs. here's the ones we order: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/cedar-balls-for-closets-and-drawers-natural-cedar-balls-for-clothes-storage-48pcs-with-2-satin-bags-i4028075391-s15647539693.html? #
  23. the question is what happens if they schedule it again? the industry is already a strong one and 100k Thais are involved. they can't possibly think they can clear it back out of the country. one funny foresight was getting a million people to register online to grow it. the popo will be going address to address. #
  24. sounds like he needs basic strain education. don't take a sativa for sleep disorders. don't buy from a guy on the street. don't vape. i think he needs a nice mellow indica. #
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