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Everything posted by roietfortress

  1. i only got paranoid when i was young ???? many of us [hypothetically] smoked in-country for many years. things might change in the cities, but for the farang surrounded by rice fields and bananas, nothing much will change other than supplier. the whole political debate is way past my interest level. i asked "within the last 10 years" and you mentioned 2003. i can't spend my days guessing at 'what ifs'. i have grass to cut (and smoke) ???? speaking of cutting the grass - 2x a week in the rainy season! #
  2. within the last 10 years? 2003 was a different time in LOS. #
  3. what about that seed bank in iceland or wherever it is? is that a big fridge? i have a dozen cousins around here growing medicine. they just need better seeds ???? #
  4. i'd say one great advantage is now we have a stockpile of seeds. they were hard to find before last year. regarding piss tests - i'd like to see proof that any farang were randomly piss tested and deported in the last 10 years. i know stories of guys grabbed for other offenses that had weed on them. i don't know of any story of the RTP piss testing tourists randomly? the guy calling for us to be executed for smoking weed should be banned from the cannabis forum. wishing death on other members has to be against some rule? its definitely not Buddhist. #
  5. just got our monthly Lampang order and tried some new things. Shogun and Dubai Poison are two great sativas. mixed together is potent. one hit did me for over an hour. Shogun is 750 for 10g. Dubai is 1000 for 10g i think. with Lampang ask for an updated menu or follow them on line. then google the strain. their stock always changes. i would say quality is getting much better every month. all Thai grown, no imports. #
  6. the lungs need exercise too. if you don't smoke cigs or cigars, then the lungs probably aren't used to processing large amounts of smoke. joints (prerolls) don't hit as harsh and you can sit there smoking it slow. the added benefit is you don't need a pipe or bong. i use a large glass bong but its definitely stressful on my lungs and i don't clean it nearly enough. Jinthing's suggestion of vaping is the cleanest and healthiest option, but its not really for newbies. there's more maintenance in vaping - always grinding and cleaning. cooking is good, but the THC goes way down. i don't think the cookable weight is good enough (you need an ounce for a cup of butter). can't buy that at a Nana shop for a reasonable price. funny you mentioned leaves. when weed was first legal, i cooked the govt recommended cannabis chicken soup with leaves. my MIL had a bowl and just sat on the floor staring at the TV for hours haha drinking and smoking is a fun activity. it removes boredom from the equation. #
  7. VILLAGE ATM -- hey that's my nickname !?! #
  8. any Thai can get their hands on any substance they desire if they have the money. i was watching the Samui live cams and the bar staff ordered what i assumed is yabba by moto delivery. one pill for everybody. descheduling weed did not create more weed users or make it more accessible. it probably made weed less accessible because all the cheap stock was sold out. so in that case, maybe it was a gateway drug, due to lack of supply? one huge benefit of descheduling was they stopped arresting good citizens for weed. you want to jail a business owner in a dirty overcrowded prison because he escapes reality with a joint after work in his own home? some of the farangs on this thread want him locked away for life. i hope they don't own a business selling what you need. yabba, coke, meth, lao cow - all bad and nothing to do with weed. #
  9. there's a few angry prohibitionists around here. always posting the same hate. if they smoked a bit, all that hate would go away. i don't get all the hate. cannabis users aren't harming anyone. drunks are the ones killing people. too much misinformation from Nancy Reagan. #
  10. i hope you got some sleep ???? have a good day buddy. i already hit the bong, so my day started great... #
  11. you really think crime, poverty, and drug use are equal in my village versus the slums of BKK? you are a prohibitionist. that's fine. dont let it get you angry and lashing out. light one up for peace bro. #
  12. yea i was prescribed weed for glaucoma by an LA eye doc 20 years ago. weed helps when i can't see anything but white lights. it clears everything up. #
  13. they already had that before last June. my father-in-law was prescribed cbd oil from Khon Kaen hospital years ago. the grows have started. i don't think they can stop it now. there's thousands of new greenhouses all over Thailand. they just need to regulate the sale, taxation, and of course, get all these ads off Facebook. they shouldn't be on there. #
  14. there's two types of people in this world. workers and free thinkers. we need both. weed has been legal for a year. honestly how many new potheads do you see in the 16-25 age range that weren't smoking before? they have other priorities, like paying for their car, gf, sick buffalo, trying to get out of mom's house. maybe its a problem in the cities, where every problem exists, but its not a problem up here in Isaan. i can spot a stoner and they are rare. many work at the garden shops lol #
  15. yea cigars work without even going into the lungs. the mouth absorbs a lot. this is good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G50_WyHop3A (age restricted as usual) #
  16. slightly strange post for the "Thailand Cannabis Forum". were we supposed to be talking about something else here? i'm confused. i better go hit the bong ???? #
  17. i like the destroyer. i bought it at 100/baht more per gram ???? #
  18. looks fluffy! yea its possible we might all look back on these days as the "good days" in Thailand lol #
  19. no, we grew 3 horrible squirrel bushes last year in the back 40. they were huge but unsmokeable. i don't grow food or weed in Thailand. they are both cheap enough for me to afford. if you don't understand the very basics of weed identification, its okay. that's why we're here ???? i used sativa to write this post. if i used indica, i probably would have forgot that i read your reply. #
  20. i'm not sure i understand what you are talking about. i didn't mention thc or cbd? i mentioned two very general types of cannabis. i didn't even mention hybrids. what i posted is very basic and common knowledge. i think you are trying to make a point about quality standards? its unrelated to whether a strain is sativa or indica. if the seller has accurate strain names, you can google it to find out if its a sativa or indica. whether there's any thc, that's a problem for someone else to post about. #
  21. i think there's many levels of narcotic. aspirin is a narcotic in Thailand. they just want to regulate/control the weed. they will never schedule 5 it again. impossible. i think the free for all will end by the end of the year. i said that last year tho lol as far as using those grower lists, over a million people registered. do you think any govt official in Thailand wants to knock on a million doors for something they don't even care about? the police are busy fighting meth. i think everybody agrees there needs to be some regulation and control. i doubt they'll allow recreation, so make sure you are friends with a doctor. my glaucomas are killing me ???? #
  22. yea cones are the best. i use a small screwdriver, but i'll have to try the chopstick ???? i grind for joints and the one-hitter. i just pinch off a bud for the bong (toss the seeds into the garden lol) #
  23. i didn't see it mentioned but the most important thing to know is whether its a sativa or indica strain. sativa is a head high - new thoughts, energy, alertness, paranoid. sativa is good for a day out on the beach or in the garden. indica - couch lock, full body relaxation, great for watching tv or sleeping. every cannabis shop will have pre-rolls (about 1/2g) and they will tell you whether its sativa or indica. as mentioned, it never hurts to smoke with a friend in the beginning. most people don't get high the first time, so you'll probably have to do it twice. good luck and welcome to higher thinking! #
  24. so, uh, does your landlord have a forwarding address for your "stuff"? ???? #
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