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Everything posted by Eddie45

  1. When you are using the firestick in Thailand does the picture freeze up from time to time?
  2. Doing Funny stuff, what you talking about. I have a multi entry tourist visa and need to leave the country after 90 days. What's funny about that ???????
  3. Thanks for the info. I am not worried about the cost of the visa. I have a few hundred USD dollars from my last trip to Las Vegas and working out how much to take for these border runs. Interested in the length of the visa's as I might spend time in Laos and Cambodia instead of heading straight back to Thailand as I havent visited these countries before.
  4. Can anyone recommend a good place to rent a motor bike from. Looking for a business that will fix any problems quickly during the rental period and don't want to get scammed at the end of the hire period so looking for recommendations. Will be renting for 3 months at a time. No interest in buying a bike at this time. If I was living in Thailand full time I would buy one but will be only spending a few months a year in Thailand for next 5 years.
  5. If I do a visa run to Laos instead of Cambodia, is it the same deal. $30 for 30 days? Just trying to workout all possible options.
  6. I understand I need to pay $30 for a visa when I arrive in Cambodia. Is this a 30 day visa?
  7. Thanks for the info.
  8. scubascuba3, I know you said you havent dived in Pattaya but from the feedback you have got from people who have dived there. Is it a waste of time and better to just wait until I get to Koh Tao or Similian Islands.
  9. Is there a limit on how many Land Border Crossing I can make in 1 year. I will have a multi entry tourist visa and will be doing the border crossing in Laos/Cambodia.
  10. How much would a private car cost and how how long roughly would it take to drive to the border in Cambodia.
  11. My plan is to head to Koh Tao when I have a 5-7 days free but wanted to do some dives around Pattaya at the weekend if there was some decent dive sites.
  12. I have got a UK Passport. When I arrive in Siem Reap will I get a 30 day waiver?
  13. What's the scuba diving like in Pattaya, any decent reefs or dives a short boat journey from Pattaya?
  14. If I am staying in Pattaya and want to do a border run what's my best option. I don't want to travel in a mini van and want to fly. Also want to get the border run completed as soon as possible.
  15. Or would I only ever need the 800k in the account
  16. Anyone know of any good websites that shows available rental properties and properties for sale not just in Phuket but over the whole of Thailand.
  17. So if I applied at an Immigration office that didn't allow the combination of bank balance and bank transfers (I read on the forum that someone made 12 x 50k bank transfers + kept a balance of 200k in their Thia Bank Account) When I applied for my extension, (12 months after my initial application for the retirement visa. I would need to have 1,180,00 bhat in my account, 400K + 12 x 65K transfers. Is this correct?
  18. I have been reading through all the posts in the forum regarding retirement visas and have a question about the fund's aspect of the process. When I make the initial application, it seems easier to deposit the 800k in a Thai bank account, rather than sending 65k a month for 12 months previous to submitting the initial application. Once I have the retirement visa, can I then start transferring 65k a month and then withdraw the 800k after I have 12 x 65k transfers. Reason I ask is I don't want 800k sitting in a bank account getting hardly any interest when inflation is soaring.
  19. Stoner where did you say you live again????
  20. I am in contact with an office manager who's in charge of renting out Condo's. I am trying to rent a condo that has good internet. I know in Thailand it's not going to be good 100% of the time. The last Condo I stayed in Phuket the internet would stop working a few times a week, but this was a few years ago now so hopefully its improved. The office manager has said the internet service is from TOT and 3BB, are they in a partnership or is this incorrect info.
  21. Britmantoo, can I ask how long you have been growing for?
  22. The Roctopusdive website looks good, will definitely check them out when I go to Koh Tao
  23. Thanks for the info. I didnt take any notice of the fear mongering when you have scuba dived in waters with great whites, tiger and bullsharks you are not going to be concerned about visiting Koh Tao.
  24. Thanks for the info.
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