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Everything posted by Eddie45

  1. In my opinion that smart thing to do is not become a Thai resident if you arent already a Thai resident until these new tax rules have been established.
  2. How many 90 day tourist visa's do you think you will get in Malaysia before the Immigration Officers start asking you questions.
  3. I have been thinking about applying for the LTR Visa but I am not sure if I want to invest that amount of money in Thailand. My other option is to live in Thailand for 5.5 months a year and then choose another country to stay 5.5 months in and then use the other month for holidays. Anyone thinking similar should check out the Philippines. Their rules for tourist visa's are really good. You can stay for 3 years on a tourist visa and then you need to leave the country for a few days and can return for another 3 years. The visa needs to be renewed every 2 months.
  4. Sounds like you are good to go. Hopefully when Labour get into power they dont spend all the money like last time and there is money left for our Pensions.
  5. Theoldgit, thanks for the link. It says "If UK citizens who return to the UK on a settled basis will be considered as ordinarily resident and will be eligible for free NHS care immediately" and it also says that treatment at A&E and at your Doctors is free.
  6. Make sure you use a VPN which has a server in the UK and like Topt they send a text to your UK Sim when you log in.
  7. Its definitely 35 years and as Topt said above if you have a Government Gateway account you can see the all years you have paid.
  8. I was looking to find out the actual rules on this situation so I know where I stand if I end up in a bad situation like Steady Eddie. Touch wood it doesnt happen. Whats that saying plan for the worst and hope for the best.
  9. I was watching Steady Eddie latest youtube video at the weekend. Unfortunately Eddie has had a stroke and has serious health issues which showed up in his brain scan. Hopefully he makes a recovery. He has been out of the UK for 4.5 months so is still entitled to free treatment on the NHS. If you are out of the UK for more than 6 months I believe this changes. I googled it and was taken to the gov.uk website, there was some information on the subject but not what I was looking for. How do you stand if you have been living in Thailand for say 12 months and you get a serious health condition and fly back to the UK for treatment.
  10. Lost Nomad, why not email BOI. They usually reply within 10 minutes during business hours and they seem really helpful.
  11. Thanks for the info. Expensive Tourist Visa especially if you don't play golf. I will go for the LTR Visa.
  12. I emailed BOI and the screenshot below is their reply.
  13. My understanding with the LTR Visa, you dont need to file a tax return if you stay in Thailand for more than 183 days a year in a tax year. You dont pay tax on your overseas earnings and you wont need to pay tax on the money you bring into Thailand to pay for your living expenses. Is this also the case with the Elite Visa as trying to workout best option for me. I did look on the Elite Visa website but this information was not covered.
  14. If you purchase an Elite Visa and stay in Thailand for longer than 183 days in a tax year do you need to fill out a tax return.
  15. Sorry if I have missed this in the previous 105 pages. I emailed BOI about this matter but got ambiguous reply. If I apply and receive the Wealthy Pensioner or Wealthy Global Citizen LTR Visa and I am working online in Thailand for a company that I own overseas. How do I legally stand. Is this allowed under the rules of the LTR.
  16. Thanks for the replies. At the weekend I will read through the links above. For you guys that have replied to the thread and have the LTR. Did you use a visa agent to get the LTR or did you fill out all the forms and apply yourself.
  17. I understand if Thailand introduces the new tax laws in 2025 for expats the Long Term Residency Visa's will eliminate you from having to pay tax on the money you bring into Thailand. Only problem is you need to invest 10,000,000 Baht into Thai property or bonds. As foreigners we cant not buy house or land without setting up a company first. If you set up a company and bought a house/land for over 10,000,000 Baht would this enable you to apply for a Long Term Residency Visa or does the investment need to be in condo/condos in your own name. Any feedback appreciated.
  18. Freeman thanks for the info.
  19. The stockmarket forum was a good idea. No need for such negativity.
  20. Yawn. CanadaSam said above the that his Girlfriend rents condos to foreigners on tourist visa's. If I try and rent a condo through one of the main real estate agents on a tourist visa will this be a problem.
  21. Very good point. Lots of data in the UK to look at.
  22. You missed the point. I didnt say many of the westerners have issues with complying with visa regulations. If the Thai Government start taxing money coming into the country this will start an exodus.
  23. Good Point but if they get too strict with their rules all the westerners will leave and travel to near by countries. The Thai Governments havent got a great track record with making rule changes. Look at the situation with weed, previously get caught with weed and you up <deleted>s creek without a paddle. Then they changed the rules, there is more weed shops now than convenience stores and then they decide maybe its wasnt such a good idea and they are going to possible change the rules again. I think if they get too strict with residency/tax rule changes they will make further adjustments down the road when they realize they have messed up.
  24. Thanks for the info. Already got a bank account, just need to do alot of research before I buy anything as dont want to get lumbered with something I cant sell if I decide to sell in the future. If I find a condo building I like I might rent an apartment in the building for 6 months first.
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