Does anybody know if Vietnam is okay with staying 3 months on a tourist visa and then flying out for a few days and coming back and staying another 2 months. Thinking about staying in Thailand for 5 months a year and then Vietnam for another 5 months. Was going to stay in Thailand for 12 months of the year until they decided to change there tax laws. Trying not to stay 6 months in 1 spot as dont want to become a resident.
Yes have spent 135 days back to back. If I booked my return flight back to the UK. So I am basically trying to get 1 more 30 day waiver and then will go back to UK for 6 months do you think this would help my chances of getting another 30 day waiver. I could print out my return flight and show the IO.
StayinThailandtoomuch thanks for the info. If I flew to Bali or Laos and applied for multi entry tourist visa, would this be okay after having spent 135 days in the country on waivers + extensions.
I have got 2 30 day waivers in my passport. Back to back with the extensions. If I fly out and return the same day will I get hassle for my 3rd 30 day waiver.
I have got a smart phone that is locked to a network in the UK. I have repeatedly asked the network provider for the unlock codes as the phone is no longer under contract. The way things are looking I wont have the codes before I leave for Thailand. If I go into a phone shop in Thailand when I arrive and buy a plan from them. Will it be easy for them to unlock it for me.
If Britmantoo can get a nice high from edibles by using cheaper weed why would he buy quality bud for his edibles. I am no expert on edibles but do you get a better high by sprinkling expensive bud on a pizza or by using brickweed. I would think there wouldnt be much difference. You will need to use more brick weed but its so much cheaper. Use the cheaper weed for your edibles and keep the expensive bud to smoke.