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Phnom Penh Trader

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Everything posted by Phnom Penh Trader

  1. There cannot be an MOT test in Thailand the state of some of the vehicles on the road there? ????
  2. You are obviously blissfully unaware but a motorbike has a constant mesh gearbox,as opposed to cars which use synchro mesh gearboxes so that cannot possibly happen?
  3. So back on topic all this utter nonsense about population growth and global warming is utterly irrelevant,as none of it is real and all it needs is a programming change and reboot of the Matrix and it all disappears overnight!
  4. What absolute garbage Muskrat isn’t interested in anything but feeding his own narcissist personality disorder,he is an absolute conman but a very,very good one the worlds’ best and richest in actual fact? That and banging geekesses and most likely other geeks in ‘huddle puddles’ or what ever they call them,at parties on megayachts and in mega mansions he doesn’t give a rat’s ass for anyone but himself!
  5. IBAN is an acronym for International Bank Account Number.
  6. When were you into barfing then?
  7. Maybe you smell of fish?
  8. You live in not only a Buddhist country but a Buddhist region,yet you understand nothing of the teachings that surround you? Possessions and money are the exact things that make you unhappy,as how much is enough of course the answer is no amount? Muskrat is worth 200 Billion more than he can spend in 10 lifetimes yet he still wants more,ask yourself why and if that is a good thing or a mental illness?
  9. De Nile is a river in Africa!
  10. It’s only envy if money is your master,it isn’t mine?
  11. You stalled the unstallable a bit like the Titanic and sinking the unsinkable good job!
  12. This is just vile misandry typical of Western countries nowadays,in the UK something like 50% of the women suffer from mental health issues! Personally I prefer South-East Asian girls who are beautiful,feminine and sweet natured everything that Wester women are not! Who on earth wants some fat,ugly,drunken,tattooed,bingo-winged,loud-mouthed,violent,Western land whale certainly not me?
  13. I found him down a little Soi near Phrom Pong one night all on his own,he was probably around six weeks old and crying for his Mum I didn’t have the heart to just leave him there to die? He is obviously Siamese and all my neighbours wanted him,at one point in history in Thailand only royalty were allowed to own them?
  14. It really isn’t we couldn’t build them today to those tolerances.
  15. I saw a structural engineer at the bottom of one of the pyramids measuring the angles of the roof and wall with a set square,the tolerances were to a thousandth of an inch or so he stated that we couldn’t build so accurately with modern day technology today! So who did build them?
  16. You see the woman in the red dress?
  17. Here’s my little cat I found one day down a side street in Phrom Pong,I left Thailand about a year later but he (Snowy/Hi Ma) was feral anyway and only coming back to the house once a week to say hello!
  18. According to many people including Elon Musk it is almost an impossibility that we are not and therefore in base reality,do you ever feel that strange things happen just at the right time and when you need them I certainly do? I believe it is what is called Karma in Buddhist countries such as the South-East Asia region,which remember is one of the cradles of civilisation alongside the mighty Mekong River,where man has lived for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years as most history is basically guesswork and nothing more? https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/are-we-living-in-the-matrix/
  19. Why would anyone take their wife to stay next to the go-go bars in Pattaya for crying out loud?
  20. Tell them ghosts will get them if they don’t do it?
  21. Anyone seen the movie Upgrade? : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6499752/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  22. It really is time to up Ye’s dosage of Lithium now until he turns into a drooling mess?
  23. I’m going to go out on a limb here and surmise that Hitler definitely would not like Kanye West!
  24. He doesn’t care he just hates the institution of the Royal Family and is blinded to everything else?
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