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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Do you think they realize they are being taunted?
  2. alcoholic nut wasn't my awful English Existence is meaningless the wise person realizes the absurdity of it and does the best they can regardless. The ranting of right wingers and their defiant refusal to accept facts amuses me (for a while)
  3. Another well articulated response I see you did get a tag team partner get a better one. alcoholic nut
  4. What's your excuse? This is too easy but quite therapeutic .
  5. I have two words for you the second word is you Go back to the Gulag 555
  6. " You argue like alcoholic nut." Writing style ? Didn't know we were arguing .
  7. I could give a flying F##k what you hope for. Insurrection ,treason and Fascism are disgraceful. My writing style is Pro Democracy As for public speaking your hope has been realized but I still don't GAFF.
  8. ! 1/2 hours each way to IO isn't trivial
  9. that's your comeback Christ get a tag team partner
  10. You're on point as usual !!! " some incel who's STILL not happy, even after finally getting a shot at some thin and willing women." So accurate I'm still laughing,
  11. the arrogant pig is running for the WH on the R ticket
  12. Arrogant ignorance is no way to go through life https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/08/texas-lawsuit-donald-trump-election-georgia-michigan-pennsylvania-wisconsin Do you Rwingers have any shame or a shred of patriotism ? No you don't.
  13. A US Senate investigation headed by the GOP isn't good enough for you? https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-paul-manafort-russia-campaigns-konstantin-kilimnik-d2fdefdb37077e28eba135e21fce6ebf You can't see the forest for the trees I can post 20 links it's common knowledge
  14. Jesus Christ dude Manafort was the campaign manager MY GOD
  15. House GOP 2020 and Ken PaxTon among others
  16. Get off the deluded website Frankie accept the truth what's the harm ? What Roo posted is correct. Putin China and Iran are all trying to help drumpf in the upcoming election why is that?
  17. Don't remember her saying that can you post some links? TIA if she did say it I agree with her.
  18. the folks you are having communication with post and repeat lies it's their MO they don't accept facts.
  19. Collusion Fact U.S. Senate committee concludes Russia used Manafort, WikiLeaks to boost Trump in 2016 Collusion fact
  20. Republicans have been open borders for 40 years
  21. There wouldn't be a Western Europe if it wasn't for "US" maybe that's what they mean.
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