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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Whomever put the laughing emoji very helpful.
  2. appears scuba knows what he is talking about
  3. interesting photo
  4. How do you get to that forum on the create tab?
  5. Strange hard to come by out here apparently i will buy the vibrator and give it to the builder Thanks
  6. no the piers are in the ground fairly deep set on a poured pad then they form rebar and put a wooden form over the formed rebar and pour concrete friend is building one
  7. Apparently they try to rent the forms for the piers before they pour the concrete? They also sell them 10,000 baht a piece? Anyone familiar with this practice? TIA
  8. here is an old video Thais using damp coat
  9. We call it wicking .you coated the entire slab before they ran the block ? What product did you use? Crusher run in the US above the Mason Dixon line we call modified. thanks
  10. Actually have never seen that on a job before is that because all the jobs i have been on had a vapor barrier below the slab??? Can you lay this on before the first course of block? https://gbr.sika.com/en/construction/waterproofing/mortars-and-coatingstypea/sika-damp-proofingslurry.html
  11. Same thought eyewitness accounts ? WTF?
  12. Thanks -i know they like the water in the crete no!
  13. Yes i asked about crushed stone and plastic for weeds and they chuckled
  14. understood but that is if your concrete floor is in contact with the ground in this case it is not
  15. bottom photo is the prefabricated panels before concrete pour? and the girders are supported by steel underneath?
  16. You're quite judgmental - I didn't ask about organizing my departure i asked about the ramifications if I DELAYED my departure. My departure is organized I have two different dates to choose form hence the ramifications question .Thank you for your assistance .
  17. I agree but with some members help i think i understand why no vapor barrier is needed . concrete piers on pad ,horizontal concrete girders off the ground, prefab concrete slabs (like you see in commercial construction) on top of girders than poured concrete floor.
  18. oh interesting thanks much appreciatednmnm
  19. so there are three steps leading up to the house -they should be tied into the ? girders?
  20. How are the slabs attached to the piers /girders my friend said they tried to explain this to me yesterday.
  21. Okay seems like you may be saving me a fight with the builder -maybe that's what they meant when they said" up high" Here's the problem I can't quite visualize what you are describing. Are you saying they cover the entire surface with prefabricated slabs ? Why pour the concrete then? I' m anxiously waiting your response would be nice if I could read Thai
  22. Well all I asked for were the ramifications .Did I need to outline that going to the US would be much more convenient and inexpensive for me if i left after the 19th ? I know about the border bounce not that easy in my present circumstances. When I saw that the overstay would be stamped in my passport that is what I needed to know . I don't want any hassle when I return so I will leave on the 19th . thank you all for your responses and expertise
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